
He couldn't find a ridiculous shirt that wasn't offensive?

I can't tell you how many times I've made a perfectly calm and reasoned comment only to get a reply from angry dudebro that's some variation of "OH MY GOD CALM DOWN YOU STUPID CUNT!!!!!!!" I guess out of proportion anger is manly logic and mild criticism is wimmenz getting hysterical and on their periods.

But they are sexualized. They're scantily clad and in provocative poses. If he wants to wear that on his own time, fine. When representing a space agency that is receiving global press after doing something groundbreaking, wearing a garment that objectifies half the population is not a good idea.

Every work place has a dress code. That's not fascism. This guy was representing the European Space Agency on a day they were getting a ton of international press. This should not be the image they want to project. Many little girls who are aspiring astronomers, physicists or astronauts saw that shirt and got the

There's been research into this topic. Women don't actually talk more than men. Women are only perceived as being chattier. Because people believe stereotypes and because thanks to sexism, people value what women have to say less.

Don't be silly. All a woman needs to be happy is to get married.

Like that woman, I think one of the Real Housewives who said you shouldn't poop in the house if your husband is home.

Same here. On one level, this is some funny bullshit we can mock. On another level it's much more insidious. It's coercive to say wives must give a blowjob a day. If Niecy Nash and her husband enjoy that. Great! More power to them. But different people have different sex drives. Not every woman will want to

That would mean men are the carriers of the dick sucking gene.

True. There's always a lot of projection going on with bigots.

While some factions have preserved an openly racist and militant approach, others have tried to enter the mainstream, cloaking their racism as mere 'civil rights for whites.

Considering that evolution is responsible for you existing as you are, I'd say it's relevant. Plus what Anti-Lacross said about antibiotic resistance. Pests like rats and bedbugs are also starting to gain pesticide resistance. Again, relevant.

Unfortunately, that's not the way zealots think. Either something is the Absolute Truth or it must be false. It's all black and white. The fact that science is constantly revising its theories as we gain more knowledge is proof that science must be wrong.

There's so much fail in your comment. At least look up "evolution" on Wikipedia and learn the basic definition of it before you try and argue against it.

Looks like your user name is appropriate. Sometimes it's fun to mock idiots. Take the stick out of your bum and you'd realize that.

Interesting that for all your claims to being not a liberal or conservative all the arguments you have made are straight out of the right wing pundit playbook. By making all the Koch bother sanctioned arguments while pretending to be neutral and objective you are proving my point.

No I don't concede that point and legislating wages isn't what the Lily Ledbetter act does.

Who made you the arbiter of what the top 100 problems are? And why are we only allowed to discuss those?

This definitely needs to be bookmarked to show the "just go to the police! So simple!" crowd.

What's difficult to understand? Do you not know the effects of date rape drugs?