
These are anti-choice activists speaking out against Maynard. If they are comfortable controlling women's sex lives and uteri, why wouldn't they be equally thrilled about controlling other aspects of women's lives? We're talking about people who literally think women aren't capable of making our own decisions about

Yeah, something tells me that the religious right wouldn't be all over this story quite as much if Maynard was a man.

When it's someone with power and privilege, like the church trying to convince someone who lacks power and privilege like the sick, the disabled or the poor that suffering is holy, it is coercive.

I would have to assume the notion that suffering is holy was advanced by the wealthy (which would of course, include higher ups in the Church) as a way to silence peasants and keep them from revolting.

That's disgusting. The religious right are just the very worst people.

Classic projection. Right wingers feel no compassion or empathy for anyone else and they don't believe women, particularly youngish women are capable of independent thought. So they assume everyone else is the same way. Of course death with dignity groups are only using her and controlling her to promote their

Oh shit. You just ruined that movie for me. Thanks a lot!

I always thought they were supposed to be dark comedies as much as they are horror. All the John Denver playing throughout the first one is a big clue.

I like that the main character in Gimme a kiss wrote soft core porn about what she imagined sex with her boyfriend would be like.

I love the second one. It's such a mess and I love it.

The one with the ghost detecting is Remember Me, which I still think needs to be made into a movie. The one with the play was last act I think.

Monster is great. A lesser known Pike classic. I loved all that alien stuff.

Watch the movie "The Seasoning House." It's on Netflix. It portrays a sex trafficking ring without being exploitative to women itself (unlike Sucker Punch). If a movie can portray sex trafficking without catering to the male gaze, so can video games.

Wait. Just yelling "cherry picking!" isn't an automatic win button?

I don't think you understand the concept of gendered violence as opposed to general violence. In the examples she uses of violence against women, the violence is highly sexualized and that's what's misogynistic. She's not saying that killing men is better than killing women. Anti-feminists tend not to be able to

Did you really think Colbert was going to be on the side of the group that's harassing and threatening women and using anti-Semitic caricatures to depict Sarkeesian? Did you not realize that he isn't actually a right wing pundit but is a satire of one?

She's one of my favorites.

Just don't ever watch the terrible movie version that takes out the feminist message and replaces it with vampires.

A lot of harassment starts out innocent. They interpret a reply to a greeting or an answer to a request for the time or directions as an opening. They escalate from there.

Yes. This. Research shows that the stereotype that women have a higher EQ and are better at reading body language and facial expressions isn't true. Men are just as capable of doing it. They only pretend not to be when it suits them. That's why I don't buy it when dudes come into the comment section to "just