I figured as much. Just had to say it because forced birthers get me in such a table flipping rage.
I figured as much. Just had to say it because forced birthers get me in such a table flipping rage.
They know women will still get abortions illegally. They know this will cause these women pain, suffering, infertility or death. That's exactly what they want. They want women punished for having sex.
Because punishing people for being poor is more important to these people than the "sanctity of life."
It's not about when life begins. Mosquitos, mice and strep bacteria are all life and nobody objects to killing them. It's about when humanity begins. Until neuroscience advances enough detect when exactly higher order consciousness develops, this question can only be answered philosophically. What right does one…
This gif is awesome but it brings up fears that it's only a matter of time before Sophie Turner is targeted for some bullshit reason. I don't know if she identifies as a feminist but she often talks about how her character is a strong woman while still being on the girly side, and that's OK, there is nothing wrong…
Anything that makes misogynist boners sad makes me happy.
Did I say that? I said misogynists are mad about it because they are.
Sounds like somebody's got a case of the Mondays!
This is sort of off topic but not really because it involves GQ. Internet misogynists are losing their shit over Lindy West's new job writing for them and I'm just loving it!
This. Go look at the comments over at Gawker about this. It's all about how Union shouldn't be quite this upset about it because women in third world countries have it worse. Or getting mad that she dared compare it to rape even though she's a rape survivor and has every right to feel a similar sense of violation.
I hope everyone viewing or sharing those pictures gets busted for child porn.
I don't think it's a deal. It's not like you're harassing or threatening him or hacking into info he isn't sharing publicly. Everybody probably Facebook stalks whether they admit it or not.
I plan on drinking wine and watching Doctor Who with my cats tonight, so yes.
Yes! I'm a jack of all trades, master at none type. Sometimes it's advantageous. For instance, I never had a subject in school I really struggled at while often people who are great at writing or art will struggle in math and science or vise versa. But it also kind of sucks not having a talent.
Oh, gross.
Because you're an asshole? You're right. That is obvious.
Shorter Renakitty: "Pay attention to meeee!"
Why do people always think "it was a joke" is a good defense? That doesn't make anything better. It just means that they think rape is funny.
You know who criticizes games instead of giving uncritical puff pieces? Anita Sarkeesian. That's who. Yet, for some reason all you gamer gate bros loathe her. You're showing your misogyny here. Nobody with half a brain thinks you people give two shits about journalistic integrity.