
Shorter Renakitty: "Pay attention to meeee!"

Do you have evidence for what you're saying? You've offered no proof whatsoever that the US is the best place for women's rights. You seem to be nothing but a racist, xenophobic, Islamophobic asshole who measures women's rights by how much a country hates Muslims.

Are you fucking kidding me? The right to bodily autonomy is incredibly important. No, it will not be equated with slavery and it's extremely offensive that you are making that comparison. Buying and selling human beings is not the same as controlling ones own body.

According to this report, the US currently rates 23rd with regards to women's rights.… If you're going to praise a region for women's rights it should be Scandinavia, not North America. New Zealand was the first country to grant women suffrage. The US was 9th. http://ww

US military leaders of the time were arguing for a wartime budget in peacetime. They wanted the public to be afraid of a Russian nuclear attack so we'd all write our Congressman and tell him to give the Pentagon the money.

Why do people always think "it was a joke" is a good defense? That doesn't make anything better. It just means that they think rape is funny.

You know who criticizes games instead of giving uncritical puff pieces? Anita Sarkeesian. That's who. Yet, for some reason all you gamer gate bros loathe her. You're showing your misogyny here. Nobody with half a brain thinks you people give two shits about journalistic integrity.

You're right. Reporting on a bomb threat is worse than making a bomb threat. Kotaku should be ashamed of itself.

Same goes for Breaking Bad fans who thought Walt was the hero.

Reverse sexism. Lol. That's not a thing.

He doesn't want to talk to you. You should keep replying to him for the next several days. Let him get a taste of what women experience.

Oh gee, why didn't any of us think of just blocking them? It's not like anyone is able to create sock puppet accounts or anything. How smart you are!

But male feelings are at stake here! Don't you know that's the most important thing?

So, you think your desire to get more straightforward responses is more important than our very real fears that a hard "no" will be met with harassment or even violence?

He could try canvassing if he's into lefty politics. It's the kind of job where you can smoke with your bosses when you're off the clock. They definitely don't drug test or they'd never be able to staff an office.

I love you for this! The younger ones might not get the reference though.

Since those were high school mainstays for me, I'm going to have to go with no.

That was one of their best episodes. I like that it left open the question about whether Billy created misogyny in the men he touched or simply brought repressed misogyny to the surface. Let's face it, Wesley has a Nice Guy attitude towards Fred the entire time. Is it such a leap that under the right circumstances

I always think of stuff like this when people claim that we no longer need feminism because women can vote and own property now.

Are there really people out there who can't go a day without eating meat? I'm no vegetarian but I go a day or several days without meat all the time. Without even thinking about it. It's really not that hard to make salads, pasta or sandwiches without meat.