
Everyone knows that only liberal moochers need to drink water and breathe air. Conservatives know how to bootstrap themselves to living without them.

Every royal knows you need an heir and a spare.

I don't get it either. Maybe he gives really, really good oral?

Yes, we minimize the impact of pregnancy and childbirth on women and our lack of support and maternity leave for new mothers is horrific. But on the opposite side of the coin, pregnant women are constantly judged and monitored. Everything they do is wrong. I still remember when Natalie Portman and Emily Deschanel

What females do you speak of? Female bumblebees? Female elk? Female leopards? Female chimps? Are you talking about female humans? Because there's a word for those. It's "women." Most 3 year old children know that but apparently you know less than a toddler.

I haven't read the book but the movie definitely made me want to huddle in a fetal position and cry. That might be the most depressing story ever.

Those illustrations are amazing. I recently found my copy in my dad's garage and am going to have to look through them again. Apparently the newer editions have different illustrations. I can't imagine why.

I didn't know that Yours Truly, Jack the Ripper was ever adapted! I've read the story a bunch of times. I guess it's not a surprise after the success of Psycho (the movie) that someone did that.

The police also stopped patrolling around the time Kosminski was institutionalized. They knew it was him and sure enough the killings abruptly stopped. This was always the theory that made the most sense. People are just disappointed because the killer being a random impoverished and mentally ill man is just not as

It was in a neighborhood with a lot of Jewish immigrant residents and disorganized serial killers don't tend to kill outside of their comfort zone. There was a witness (also Jewish) who recanted and refused to testify because with the killer being Jewish he knew it would add to the climate of virulent anti-Semitism

Interestingly, the DNA does match up exactly with the profile that former FBI profiler John Douglas put out in his book The Cases That Haunt Us. A severely mentally ill Jewish man was always the most obvious suspect. As much as people wanted Jack the Ripper to be some brilliant and devious Hannibal Lector type, it

I wonder if this is why sparsely populated mountain states are on the least obese list. Maybe people there aren't exposed to as much pollution as the rest of us. It would be interesting to compare Denver (big city + high air pollution levels) to the rest of Colorado and see if there's a difference in obesity rates.

The rom com everyone should refuse to watch is The Awful Truth. It even has the word "awful" in the title as a harbinger. It's horrifically sexist against both men and women and the movie ends with Katherine Heigl realizing Gerard Butler's awful womanizing misogynist of a character isn't so bad because he's not a

I saw a video of a baby girl with whooping cough once. It was so heartbreaking to watch. I can't believe people would let their kids contract these diseases when they're so easy to prevent.

Well, must undocumented immigrants have brown skin and don't speak American. Therefore they must be to blame. Who needs facts? Facts have a liberal bias! BENGHAAAAZIII!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anyone who uses the word "libtard" is beyond reasoning with. Unfortunately I replied to that asshole before reading the entire thread. It's probably a mistake to engage.

Yes they can. I didn't get the full pertussis vaccination because I had a reaction to it. I've been counting on herd immunity to protect me. As far as I know, MN where I live has a high vaccination rate still but I'm at the point of not wanting to visit places that have had whooping cough outbreaks. Tourism is a

Nice xenophobia you've got there. Do you have any evidence that undocumented immigrants are more likely to carry these diseases. The majority of undocumented immigrants in this country are from Latin American countries which have high vaccination rates.

It didn't take long for the idiot who doesn't understand the concept of herd immunity to show up. Outbreaks allow the virus opportunities to start mutating. If that happens, being vaccinated won't help because we'll be vaccinated against the wrong strain.

First of all, desiring a high number of sexual partners is not the same as objectifying those people. Maybe you see the people you want to fuck as objects, but not all of us do.