
You forgot David Bowie.

This is me right now

Pam and Eric were pretty much the only good part about the finale. Make this happen HBO!

I keep trying to get an avatar and Kinja won't let me. I wish this site was hooked up with gravatar. I'll try again.

No. He had hep V but got cured after drinking Sarah's antidote blood.

I really think a follow from an approved poster should also get a person posting privileges. I understand that the writers can't spend all day reading comments and looking for people to follow when they have all sorts of other things to do. There really needs to be another way.

They better hadn't dare kill Pam. I still hold out hopes for a Pam and Eric spin off someday.

I didn't get ungreyed when I was unemployed and spent a ton of time here last year. Now that I can only post for a small portion of the day, I figure there's no hope for me. Especially since I've been critical of this change and the fact that no one will address the issue of quality commenters not getting followed.

Isn't it amazing what black men can do? They have so many superpowers! They can shoot themselves while handcuffed. They can charge at full speed after being shot five times. Is there any law of physics or biology they can't overcome? No wonder the police are so twitchy and trigger happy. They're dealing with

That's fucking rage inducing. Do you know if the school is on the list of colleges and universities that are in trouble with the justice dept. for being terrible about rape cases?
Even if it isn't, it should probably be reported. But it might have to be your SIL that does it. I don't know if second stories count

I agree with you 100%. If the state is concerned about drug use in pregnant women they should mandate that OBs educate patients about the dangers of drug use during pregnancy and give them all a pamphlet with resources for help getting sober. Making drug using pregnant women too scared to go to the doctor is not

Why am I not surprised that the grey system isn't fixing this? The trolls are still trolling. The only difference is, lots of us non trolls are stuck in the greys now. Sigh.

Why does the fact that she's a woman make it OK? Women are perfectly capable of internalizing misogyny. I hate it when women call other women "skanks" or "sluts." In some ways it's almost worse than when men do it.

This is like if Margaret Atwood wrote Degrassi.

Thanks. I missed the first article. Volcanos are so fascinating but I don't know much about them besides what I see on Discovery channel type shows.

Would an eruption have the same negative effect on air travel as Eyjafjallajokull?

Don't forget the guys who wear backpacks and are blissfully unaware of the fact that their huge ass bag is swinging in other people's faces.

I put my purse next to me specifically to avoid spread eagle male bus riders. I'm somewhat claustrophobic and I'm really uncomfortable being touched by strangers. I move the purse into my lap if the bus starts getting full but I try to do it strategically. I wait for a time when mostly women are boarding.

I just wish they would follow every good regular commenter so everyone could ignore greys.