
Yes! I'm already noticing a drastic reduction in the number of comments on posts. It looks like a lot of people are like me and are not sure they want to bother with this place if they can't be part of the conversation.

But hey, they didn't kill anymore darkies so good on them!

Streisand effect for sure.

All you're demonstrating is that attitudes need to change as well as jobs. Healthy, safe children being born and growing up to become workers is in the best interest of the whole country. Including businesses. Punishing people for procreating is stupid. Just go look up some of the problems Japan is facing due to

I think all women should just refuse to get pregnant until policies and attitudes change. Since men are actually just as likely to want kids as women they'll soon realize they need to respect the women that are willing to allow their bodies to provide them those children.

Norway has very generous policies for workers and they have low employment and are considered a paradise for entrepreneurs. Employers used this exact same reasoning to protest minimum wage and the 40 hour work week last century. Yet, when the laws passed mandating those things, businesses became more profitable.

No. There will be less of a stigma. When something is done by men it becomes important to our culture. I forgot who it was that said "if men could pregnant, abortion would be a sacrament" but it's true.

And I've chosen not to have kids at all. So why do I get punished simply for being a woman of child bearing age? I didn't choose to be born with a uterus.

More time spent working does not necessarily mean more productive. In fact, lots of research indicates that taking time off increases productivity because surprise, surprise, workers who are healthy, happy and well rested are better able to focus and make fewer mistakes. American workers are starting to fall behind

Here, here! I give negative fucks too. What an asshole expecting us to be in the mood for friendly debates on the subject of victim blaming on a graphic post about a woman who was beaten to a bloody pulp by her ex. What the fuck?

Oh for fucks sake. Don't do the false equivalency thing. One side opposes domestic violence. The other side dispenses DV apologia. One side is objectively better.

There was a troll posting bestiality gifs on Gawker for awhile. The troll problem isn't bad on Io9 though.

I mean, yeah the restaurant should've had a changing table in the restroom. But how is it the fault of all the other customers who don't want to smell or see a steamy pile of shit while they fucking eat?

That's our Flowbee! It's wrong to be racist but it's ok to be sexist. Because...I don't know why. Reasons!

Now playing

The current situation is a continuation of the police brutality during the civil rights movement.

Wait. Don't spoil it for me by telling me how big your roommate's aunt's paycheck was. I haven't even clicked on your link yet! Couldn't you have thrown up a spoiler alert? Geez.