
Seconded. Besides the interactions between Willow and Parker which were pretty funny, it was a stupid episode. They already did the very special episode about drinking leading to bad consequences in season 2 and Reptile Boy was a much better episode.

I disagree. The stories and the productions values were nowhere near as strong as subsequent seasons and it took until season 2 to really develop Giles, Xander, Cordelia and Joyce into interesting characters. But I would hardly call it terrible. It's still clever and compelling enough to see the potential.

The bigger the pool, the more risk is spread around, the cheaper the insurance is. You really have no idea how insurance works do you?

Oh, honey. You're so sad. Another pompous little privileged douche who thinks he's so much smarter than the rest of us. It's cute that you think you're the only one who thinks. It's cute that you think your ideas aren't the same tired bullshit we've heard from all privileged douches before you. You'll grow out of

Who needs sewage treatment? If you have sufficient bootstrapping ability you will be impervious to cholera and dysentery. It is known.

Me too! They're just so pathetic. They all think they survive on their own with no big gubmint but they never, ever put their money where their mouth is and Galt out of this country. Because I'm sure they know they can't.

What constitution are you reading? The one I'm reading says congress has the right to tax.

No. Libertarian men are so manly and logical they don't need facts or reading comprehension to be right. Don't you know he's an underappreciated genius? An ubermensch!

Yeah, he's one of those mouth breathers who is happy to attend government funded schools, drive on government funded roads, use government funded emergency services, eat food and drink water that's protected by government regulation etc. etc. all the while whining about how unfair it is that he has to pay taxes. I'm

Ooh. Sovereign citizen bullshit! The further I get down this thread the more clichéd you become.

Random caps locking don't make your argument any more convincing. I actually agree that employer coverage is stupid. We should have Medicare for all. Your FREE MARKET solution would never, ever work. Individual private plans are the least efficient and most expensive. What the hell are you smoking that you think

Except birth control is now considered preventative care and is in insurance policies by defaults. Employers aren't shelling out any extra money for it. They're just trying to tell their female employees what they can do with their own bodies. And what do taxes have to do with it?

Ellipses abuse! Seriously. What did ellipses ever do to you?

See also: The noble, wise and spiritual Indian who helps the white protagonists with their supernatural menace.

Yes! Half of all fictional characters seem to have lost their mothers as kids. In real life I know only person whose mother died when she was a kid. It's really not that common. It's more acceptable in times/universes that don't modern medicine though. Death in childbirth was common once. For modern stories, use

I've had that happen to me but never because something repulsed me. It only happens if I eat too much and have a juicy burp.

Number one is creepy because it often involves a completely unaddressed rape. For example, when Faith switches bodies with Buffy and has sex with Riley.

Not a genre movie, but I really love the way Opposite of Sex mocked the Chekov's Gun concept.

I thought Gravity handled that trope efficiently and well. She was upset but it wasn't too drawn out.

I'm a distant cousin of George W Bush. To make matters worse I'm related on both sides of his family!