
On tonight's O'Reilly factor: How will Marvel oppress white Christian men next?

If you want to learn, why not Google "fat acceptance" and see what it's all about it. Because they cover all your "concerns." Must you demand education on the spot? Or do you have some weird version of the internet that doesn't come with search engines?

The finale of Angel implied that they both ended up dying. If a movie ignored the comic book version, you could just say that Wolfram and Hart killed them and move on from there.

Yes. Please give us Wonder Women. And don't let Zack Snyder ruin it. Get someone else.

I skipped the past couple X-men movies but considered seeing the new one because of Peter Dinklage. So there's that too.

Are you trolling or serious? Michael Bay a genius? Riiight.

Oh, honey. The evidence has shown again and again that movies women want to go see make bank. Yet you stubbornly insist that young men are the only market that goes to see movies because...why?

Sigh. This "it's not meant to be a career! Bootstraps!" bullshit again. The service sector makes up a huge percentage of the economy. Everybody can't get a good job because there aren't enough good jobs to go around. Even as more and more people are getting educations the number of good jobs is decreasing. The

Does Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind count as a comedy? It's maybe more of a comedy-drama but, fuck it. It's one of my favorite movies so it's my pick. It hits hard because it makes you think about how people don't change. They make the same mistakes again and again and erasing unpleasant memories won't make

  • From 1978 to 2013, CEO compensation, inflation-adjusted, increased 937 percent, a rise more than double stock market growth and substantially greater than the painfully slow 10.2 percent growth in a typical worker's compensation over the same period.

Sorry but I don't see how there can be such a thing as a healthy fruitatarian diet. Fat is a necessary part of the diet and avocados and nuts are a healthy way to get that fat. If you're a vegan you really need to get fats from vegetable oils, nuts etc.

I mentioned this in another thread. As someone who's had eating disorders of my own, the things that stick out as red flags are assigning moral values to foods or groups, evangelizing the diet and claiming it's the only way anyone should eat, and being really obsessively into juice cleanses and fasts. If someone is

That was me when I went through a vegetarian phase in adolescence. I feel bad for my parents. Getting me to eat anything besides pizza and mac and cheese was a struggle.

I remember Natalie Portman got a ton of shit for eating meat and dairy if she was craving it during her pregnancy. I also remember that Emily Deschanel got a ton of shit for staying vegan during her pregnancy. You can't win. Whatever you're eating is wrong. Especially if you're a woman. Double especially if

Juice cleanses are the stupidest trend. Our bodies know how to cleanse themselves already. We're built to be able to digest solid foods without self imposed starvation diets. The people who are into cleanses have apparently not taken junior high level biology and do not have the slightest idea about how the

I think diets that have built in restrictions (not just veganism) definitely attract people who are prone to eating disorders. As someone who has struggled with eating disorders in the past I can spot the red flags. Attaching moral value to food groups, universalizing their diet as the one true diet everyone should

I loved that Clementine speech. I also loved the way that movie subverted rom coms by not having Joel and Clementine learn and grow in the end. You know they're going to get back together, have the same problems, make the same mistakes and not live happily ever after. Love it. That's one of my favorite movies.

What!? How can Maria be an MPDG when she is the protagonist of the movie/musical, the most well developed character in the story, isn't a reward for male character growth, and possesses agency. Sure she sings cutesy songs, makes outfits out of old curtains and twirls in fields but she's not an MPDG.

What the hell are you talking about? Do you seriously not understand the concept of bisexuality?

This. I was so excited that GoT kept Oberyn's bisexuality intact. Given the shows history of catering to the straight male gaze I was worried.