
I was correcting a false equivalency you made. Not trying to show off my vast knowledge of conspiracy theories and their anti-Semitic nature. Mocking an historically privileged group is not the same as fearing and insulting an historically marginalized group.

There aren't tons of conspiracies about cabals of WASPs secretly running the world though.

Which is why MRAs and PUAs complain that feminists are trying to repress healthy male sexuality. They think rape is healthy male sexuality. Even when non-misogynist men tell them they're wrong they just dismiss those men as either lying or manginas.

It's almost always straight white cis men who rant about how we've just gone too far with this whole political correctness thing. Easy for them to say when they're not the ones affected by bigotry.

Or that being drunk can you turn into a racist or anti-Semite. I've been drunk many times and somehow managed to not go on anti-Semitic rants or call a cop "sugartits."

It's my understanding from watching true crime shows, not from any actual expertise that a lot of people think they can get rid of a body by setting it on fire. They don't realize how high temperatures have to be to burn up bones.

Yes this! Whiney dude bros complain about hypocritical feminists objectifying them because they're mad that women have standards too. I don't give a flying fuck if someone who is attracted to women likes to look at pictures of them so I'm definitely not a hypocrite for ogling the hot guys of GoT.

False. People aren't monolithic. Everyone has different tastes.

It was a fascinating movie. Bringing the story into modern times really highlights just how sexist and awful Claudio is. And yes, a bad communicator too. It was very well acted and directed but the story doesn't quite work if it's contemporary.

Game of Thrones fans spent all of this past season finding evidence that a certain character would return. Then it didn't happen. I'm not putting myself through that again. As far as I'm concerned she's dead. If they bring her back, fine.

The character had so much potential too. In season 1 and 2 she was one of my favorites. She was as fun as Pam and Lafayette. Then they ruined her.

I thought she was quite good in Adventureland and Speak. Just because Twilight is poorly written and annoying doesn't mean she's either a bad actress or a bad person.

Thank you! I thought we covered this last year when the concept of bitchy resting face went viral. Having naturally downturning mouth corners and low set eyebrows doesn't mean you're sad or mad all the time.

As much as I loathe Twilight, I always feel compelled to defend Stewart for the reasons you state. So what if she's got a resting bitch face? Maybe she comes off as cold because she's socially awkward? As a shy kid who did theater I'm well aware that you can be shy and awkward and be fine while acting because you

I love Tilda Swinton. She single handedly makes mediocre movies like Constantine and Narnia good.

I meant nothing wrong with men is skirts sometimes.

Yeah, my G cups don't outside without a supportive bra. What if I have to jog across the street as the light is turning? Ouch!

The color would match me but it's unlikely the top would fit on my G cups. Most likely my nipples would poke out and I'd look some sort of 4 nippled alien creature or something.

Nothing with men in skirts sometimes!