
10 months is an exaggeration but yeah, it's pretty rough.

You are definitely not over reacting. I don't have any advice for how to stop him, but don't let him gaslight you! If he knows how much it bothers you and still does it, you might want to consider breaking up with him because that's arguably abusive behavior.

I don't have a good story of my own so I'll tell my friend's. Recently she went on her honeymoon. They had a layover in LA and visited a friend. Their friend has a medical marijuana license and gave them some edibles to eat before the flight. My friend got way too high and once they boarded she got so paranoid

Nooo! Alice was by far the best character on the Brady Bunch. I just hope she lost consciousness immediately and didn't feel pain :(

I love it when one sexist troll fails to grasp the sarcasm of another sexist troll.

Ugh. What is it with New Yorkers who think every other part of the country is a conservative red neck infested hellhole? Maybe I'm biased because I'm a progressive Minneapolitan, but I've never been anywhere else that has a more progressive feel. I was actually shocked at how common homophobia was when I got to

Paul Elam's "Bash a Violent Bitch Month" suggests otherwise.

That does suck. I fit into standard sizes and I'm still larger than a DD.

How is existing in your body while wearing situationally appropriate attire flaunting? Swimming or laying out in a huge t-shirt isn't comfortable. Why should be thinking of your personal preferences when they go out? It's none of your business what anybody else wears. If you don't like it, avert your eyes.

It could be because cats are more quiet. Some places require that cats be spayed and neutered. It's cats that aren't that spray.

That's all well and good but it isn't realistic for everyone. Not everyone has the time and/or money to take martial arts classes. Disabled people can be victims of sexual violence as well. In fact they are more likely to be victimized than people who aren't disabled. That's why shifting the burden onto people to

I also wonder if the majority of male murder victims are involved with gangs and/or drugs. Men who live in high crime areas most likely have as much to fear as women but men who live in safer areas are likely able to go through their lives without fearing violence and harassment.

Well said. I'm not constantly cowering in fear of anything, but there's a part of my mind that asks itself whether the man walking past me or sitting by me on the bus is going to be harass. That's because it is happened so many damn times. That's not paranoia, it's realism. If a man's behavior displays no red

Purebred Siberian Huskies are a minority of the total dog population so I'm not sure what your point is. Are you such a special snowflake that your dog's poop smells like roses?

My building allows dogs but it is a rarity in my city. Most apartment buildings only allow cats in my city.

Have you read the books or are you show only? I don't know if the show will touch on it, but Arya actually develops quite an affinity with cats. I would say Sansa is more of a dog person because of her affinity with the Hound. Also in the books she bonds with an elderly dog. Although I'm not one of those people

I like dog's unabashed love of everyone who is nice to them. It's sweet. That said, being loved by a cat is so much cooler. They only choose to bond with 1 or 2 people usually. You have to be worthy to get the love of a cat.

It's all about acclimation. I can only smell my cats if I've been out of town for a few days. Their smell isn't urine BTW. The vast majority of cats keep their butts and genitals very clean. The smell is from their scent glands. Every animal, including humans have a smell.

600 is a sample size plenty large enough to give statistically significant results. However, this study would have to be replicated many times to be considered fact.

IDK, I poop in my house. Where do you poop?