
Thank you! Maybe he does have a mental illness. Maybe not. Until it's confirmed lets not internet diagnose. Lets not insult all the millions of people with mental illness that are not violent.

I didn't think you meant that, but thank you for clarifying. It's popular among misogynists these days to use people on the autism as a shield for predatory behavior. As in "It's mean to assume he's a creep. What if he's autistic?" It makes me sick. It's insulting to ASD men who aren't creeps and misogynists.

Considering the long history the US government has of trying to completely destroy Native cultures, your comments are massively fucked up.

I agree that we should not shame individuals who get cosmetic surgery and I agree that there are a variety of reasons someone gets a procedure done. However, the cosmetic surgery industry is not always ethical and we should be looking at them critically. It isn't very well regulated and there are a lot of shady

Nobody said he should be arrested or censored. We're just mocking.

Sexual orientation isn't a lifestyle, it's part of you are. I hope you realize that soon and find a church that doesn't fill your head with bigotry. Try the UCC.

My HS had a program for teen parents and they got a page in the yearbook. I don't recall it making any of us think it was a good idea to go out and get pregnant. These parents are idiots who think their kids are sheltered, perfect and fragile and somehow didn't know teen parents existed until now.

Teen pregnancy rates have been going down. Shaming and shunning didn't work at all. Education and making contraception and abortion available is what works. Plus your solution takes away the agency of the girls and punishes while completely shielding the boys from the consequences. That's a feature, not a bug and

Who's going to take care of the kids while little missy is at college, drinking beer, smoking joints and continuing to spread her legs?

It funny that you're accusing commenters of lacking critical thinking skills since you clearly didn't read of comprehend the post.

Yearbooks don't just showcase accomplishments. They feature student life. I remember my yearbooks had features about where kids hang out and pictures of kids having fun at school events. We also had a program for teen parents and they got a page similar to the one featured in the post. It wasn't promoting teen

Insidious is good to fall asleep to. Like every James Wan movie it's good and spooky in the first half and falls apart in the second half because it gets too ridiculous and over the top. See also: The Conjuring

Now playing

I really like the Game of Thrones sitcom opening

You know creationists are stupid when they're getting outsmarted by eight year olds.

Are spam bots sentient now?

Someone's never seen a Judd Apatow movie!

Apparently actors dehydrate themselves before shooting shirtless scenes to make their abs pop too.

That's my preference. Huge muscles + no body fat freaks me out a little. It just looks like he worked really hard to get a six pack for the movie and then stopped training when the movie was over and went back to his natural shape. I'm not sure why it has to be presented as a big conspiracy.

I think he's an FRA.

She came to fetch Jaime and bring him back to her towards the end of ADWD.