
Maybe. If things got dystopic enough I could see the upper Midwest seceding and setting up strict border controls because everyone will want our water.

Sometimes I don't know what to think other than it's a good thing I live somewhere very landlocked with lots of fresh water.

I can't help but notice that none of the MRAs infesting this post have come into this thread to condemn his violent behavior. Funny that.

It's never a moth.

OMG! It's the spirit of someone TMZ murdered!

Me thinks Solange's programming didn't take and her brain had a violent overcompensation.

If that's the case she needs to stop drinking. I can't stand people who turn into a complete mess after of drinks. If I were Beyoncé, I would not take her anywhere.

I've had to use this so many times today. Sigh.

Alternate theory time: Did anyone see those orbs? I think the elevator is haunted and Solange became possessed by the evil spirit.

This article seems to have drawn in the MRAs and their straw man and false equivalency arguments.

Like father, like son. Both Tywin and Tyrion are incredibly smart and are great at tactics. Neither of them play the long game well. Tywin's brutality and Tyrion's razor sharp tongue might work in the short term, but they also burn bridges.

It was a little awkward, but it wasn't pointless. It makes it clear to the audience that Theon isn't Theon anymore. He's Reek. Just as importantly, it makes the same thing clear to Yara. Her statement that "my brother is dead" paves the way for...

It's the crown versus Tyrion. Neither Tommen or his kingsguard are going to champion for Tyrion.

I noticed that too. Why the hell is Tycho's accent so different than Syrio's?

In 65 years all those women named Khaleesi will have to explain to their grandkids that their name came from a TV show that was popular decades ago and no, you can't watch that show until you're older. "Well honey, it means wife of the Khal. A Khal is the leader of a group that goes from town to town pillaging and

Mine peaked the year after I was born. My parents had no intention of being trendy though. I'm named after my great grandmother who was named after her grandmother.

I have never heard of a male Jennifer. That's weird. I looked up John and there was an option for John as a female name. I've also never heard of a female John although I have heard of female Johnnies.

She's giving me Juliette Lewis in Cape Fear vibes. I guess that means B Coop is the Robert Deniro character. Yep. Shady as fuck.

I'm pretty sure I read somewhere that they smell really musky but other than that they may be OK.

I looked up the filming schedule and season 2 was filmed between Sept. 2013 and Feb. 2014. GoT films between July and October. So it's theoretically possible. Make it happen HBO!