
It's asinine that there was a debate in the first place. Since lots of people don't fit in the black, white or Asian box or don't appear to, we should really just let people self-identify their own race and leave it that instead of obsessing over what label to thrust upon others. I'm finding the whole debate kind of

I still remember the humiliation of getting lost on my way to kindergarten class on the first day that I took the bus on my own. Some employee of the school found me wandering in the hall and took me to class. It was so embarrassing failing at my first try at independence. This was 1985. Memories of embarrassing

I think I've read somewhere that the act of laughing (even if it's somewhat forced) can make you feel better. Maybe if you laugh quickly enough it counteracts any of the negative feelings before they can even settle in.

I agree that Empire Records in underrated. It's not the best movie ever made or anything but it's a really solid teen movie.

Very true. As a horror fan, I loved Sinister. The other day I watched it on TV and noticed that the guide only gave it one star. I have no idea why. Every horror fan I know really liked that movie.

Apparently I'm the only who hated Grandma's Boy. A bunch of people recommended it to me. Everyone seems to love it, but I thought it was dumb boring stoner bro humor. Maybe I'm missing something.

Wait, long torsos are wrong? I have one and thank spaghetti monster for that. I have really big boobs and if my torso wasn't long, I wouldn't have a discernible waist at all. I would be all boob.

Normally I'm not fond of remakes, but I'm OK with this one. The original movie is fantastic. Yet I feel extremely uncomfortable watching a Roman Polanski movie because he raped a child and I can't get past it. This is a Rosemary's Baby I can enjoy guilt free.

I was 24 and living at my dad's house. I remember the show starting when I was in 9th grade but it was on at the same time as My So Called Life and that was more important.

There's this option you can exercise if you don't want to look at these charts. It's called don't click. I do it all the time when the subject of an article doesn't interest me. You should try it sometime!

Gayle is Sauramon.

I've only just started season 4 on Netflix, but I think you're spot on. It's an enjoyable show and Dean is hot, but I'm not sure I understand why so many people are this passionate about it. It seems kind of derivative of the X-Files and Angel to me. Good enough to continue watching, but nothing groundbreaking. To

Most Christians like to pretend this isn't true.

I know this is politically incorrect to say, but it can be really hard to tell the difference between a very religious person and a mentally ill person. Is there a name for it? It's a cousin to Poe's law.

I won't say he needs to be beaten because I don't believe violence is the best solution. But come on, he doesn't need a friend. He needs to shut the fuck up. Nobody needs a friend who advocates rape.

I'm afraid the term is here to stay. So many right wingers and manosphere dudes are just way too invested in viewing men as alphas and betas.

Why? There are laws against animal cruelty. Isn't irresponsible breeding a form of animal cruelty?

This is a topic that deserves a well publicized expose IMO. I get wanting to make sure people understand what goes into taking of a dog and I get trying to match them up with an appropriate owner. I've heard so many stories like yours though. Is it really good for dogs to sit in shelters for years and years because

Opponents of feminism have called us ugly spinsters who can't get men to love us since the 19th century. That stereotype is still alive and well today. I think there are plenty of women who reject the title 'feminist' because they don't want to be associated with the ugly, fat, hairy legged stereotype.

TERFs get called out by other feminists all the damn time. Do you even have any idea what you're talking about?