
It is not possible to give a fetus and a woman equal rights. If abortion is outlawed or restricting, that means women are forced to give birth. A human does not have rights if she doesn't have bodily autonomy. A fetus is not a human. Not biologically, not legally. Not until it can live outside the womb. It

I don't know about the rest of the state, but Minneapolis is a great place to live. The only downside is that the weather is awful 6 months out of the year. No place is perfect though.

What you are advocating is prioritizing the rights of an embryo over the rights of a woman. As a woman, I have very strong feelings about it. It is absolutely abusive to remove a woman's bodily autonomy. I don't say that to shame you. I say that because it is the truth.

You are entitled to mourn the death of a fetus. You not entitled to force your views on a woman's body. You say you are the victim of abuse. That means you know the pain and humiliation of someone with more power taking away your right to feel safe in your body. You know how it feels to not have control it. Shame

I'm not saying it doesn't take confidence to ask a woman out, I'm saying it takes confidence to flirt. More than you think. When you're shy, talking to someone is hard, let alone reaching out and touching his arm. It's seriously condescending to brush off my feelings and experiences with "just work on your body

If you make it to your tenth Jezebel post you get a free mug!

It's her body. She doesn't need to give you or anyone a reason. Nobody cares what you think about it.

What would be the punishment for a woman who gets an abortion without consent? How would you enforce the law if a woman was determined to get an abortion? Would you put her in jail until she carries the pregnancy to term? Tie her down in a hospital bed? What if the father is a rapist? What if he is an abuser?

NO!!! A man is not entitled to force a woman to become an incubator just because he wants to have a child. Men are not entitled to women's bodies in any way, shape or form. Get over it.

I can't imagine the pain of a woman forced by to put her physical and mental health at great risk and go through the extreme pain of labor against her will. It seems you only care about the well being of men and embryos. Are women even people to you?

Sorry. Replied to the wrong person.

It was an extremely inappropriate time and place to ask her out and discuss her looks. She was just trying to do her job. It shows a lack of respect for a woman's boundaries. That's a huge red flag.

Did that really happen? I'll go get Ethiopian food with you. It's delicious! My old co-workers were the type of people to get all excited about going to the Olive Garden so maybe yours were the same and just got scared of the "ethnic" food?

I'm a woman is kind of shy and awkward and can't flirt to save my life. It has absolutely effected my love life (or lack thereof). Yes, in our culture's traditional gender norms the man asks the woman out. But he does it after the woman flirts and makes it clear without outright saying it that she is interested.

No, people take prescription opiates for a surgery or injury and get addicted them. Eventually the pills don't provide enough of a high so they switch. Or they can't find doctors willing to prescribe pills so they turn to heroin. It's not like a rational choice. It's an irrational choice made by someone who is

How are Janis and Damian not #1?

I agree with everything you just said.

If I ever break down and get a Twitter account I must remember to follow you.

You are serving it in this thread. I don't even have to jump in this time.

No it is not bigotry to make fun of a douche who is dressed like a dumbass. Feminists have been mocked for being fat, ugly, unmarriable, unfuckable, dykish etc. since the 19th century. It's a tactic designed to silence and stigmatize women who are fighting for equality so that the sexist status quo can be upheld.