
When did I defend her? I didn't and wouldn't. My point is that Jezebel commenters don't think it's OK for women to be racist which is what you were saying. Please look at my comment history and find a racist remark or a defense of racism. I'll wait.

People are calling out the woman in this thread who thinks Asian men are unattractive, so what is your point?

My first boyfriend* was half Japanese. He was cute although a bit douchey (because teen boy, nothing to do with race). I don't get people thinking Asian men are ugly either.

Study after study shows that women (no matter the race) do the majority of housework. Even when the woman makes the same money as the man or more. There are certainly spoiled and entitled women out there and there are men who do housework and cooking, but if we're talking generalities; you can't just gender flip

MRAs promote misogyny and there's nothing wrong with protesting them. Women who are victims of upskirt picture takers are not doing anything wrong. Men who take creep shots deserve to be mercilessly mocked.

He looks like a hybrid of a low rent Jesse Pinkman and an overgrown JT York from Degrassi.

They're gods. They're fiction. If they existed, who says they have to look like Nordic people anyway? Also, it's a comic book. It's fantasy. If one can suspend disbelief enough to buy that Norse gods exist and they come visit America, how is dark skin the unbelievable thing?

That's supposed to be scantily clad. Why doesn't kinja let you edit posts that aren't replying to the OP anymore?

I know what you mean. It's still selling the idea that women's sexuality is about looking sexy. In other words the patriarchy's notion of women's sexuality. If women want to take nude and scantily pictures or do stripperobics that's their choice, but I don't think there's anything with wrong with applying a little

Stepsister From Planet weird was also a timeless classic, but Zenon gave me so much new lingo.

Now playing

The best Disney Channel sci-fi movie is Zenon: Girl of the 21st century. Zeedus lepitus (sp?)!

We watched the Riff tracks version of the second Twilight while drinking. Big improvement.

Hunger Games was seen by plenty of adults men and women, was critically well received and is good. Bridesmaids is another extremely popular movie featuring women.

What? I'm really hoping this is satire, but just in case, I'll respond.

As someone who frequently posts on Jezebel, I'll bolster your case by starring you.

How about cramming in a few fewer male roles for a change? Why is it the female parts have to be the first to get cut in the interests of streamlining. I'm a woman who is sick of the high ratio of male to female speaking roles. As a result, I always wait until these kinds of movies are on TV or Netflix to see them

Thor cast Idris Elba as Heimdall and it didn't feel forced and artificial. Some white supremacists got pissed, but other than that it was just fine.