
Rape accusations are only false a small percentage of the time so I tend to give the accuser the benefit of the doubt. It's well known Singer likes young guys who look underage so it isn't a huge leap to imagine that this is true. Besides, if you look at the comments here and on the Gawker article there are just as

Why is it that every time somebody famous and powerful is accused of rape, the victim is always assumed to have a financial gain or fame motive? It is difficult, scary and humiliating to report a rape, especially when the rapist is more powerful. Is it so fucking difficult to look at alleged victims with as much

Picture me as Catelyn and Jelly Belly as Walder Frey. Oh, the betrayal.

Me too. No wonder Ronald Reagan loved them so much.

As I just said in a different thread, Willy Wonka sours are really good. They might be Easter season only though.

Chick Filet (or however the fuck that's spelled) is so easy to boycott because I'm not sure there's even one in my area. I've never had it in the first place. Boycotting Papa John's is easy because there are local pizza places that are far superior. Avoiding Jelly Bellies is going to be rough. I loooooooove them.

Willy Wonka sour jelly beans are actually really good. They're almost as good as Jelly Belly sours.

There was a girl I was friends with in 4th grade. Midway through the year she turned on me for no reason I could discern and started bullying me. Now she's a city bus driver and occasionally I ride the bus she's driving and she's always really friendly to me. In fact, she recognized me before I recognized her. I

That's kind of awesome.

Me too.

This annoying asshole.

Because women's looks are constantly scrutinized in a way that men's looks aren't. It gets really, really tiresome. Although, I was more referring to the guy who said the people who cast Carice Van Houten should be shot. He seems to be under the impression that if a woman doesn't make his own boner happy, she is

Hush now. Didn't you know that his boner feels are the most thing in the world and everything must revolve around them?

Yeah, it's not like he's gay. That would be distracting. But rapists, NBD!

You know what else isn't a great idea? Raping people.

Really. You get what you pay for and Walmart is cheap crap. I have very little sympathy. It seems like most Americans don't understand the difference between price and value.

It's not like the OP was advocating bullying or discriminating against those with really long hair. This wasn't an article about Sikh women and their culture. S/he was just staying an opinion that it was gross. Different people find different things gross. Must every opinion be considered a grievous offense?

Maybe I'm just getting old, but I'm having trouble caring at all and it seems like it's been discussed for weeks. Yawn.

It was probably pretty terrifying for the people who got hurt last year. Especially those that have PTSD. Trigging someone who has suffered trauma isn't "art." It's pure assholery.