
Nice speech, but no.

Y’all do realize, the point of a spoiler isn’t just information, it’s information before you’re intended to get it, thus “spoiling” a reveal or important development. When you’re watching a movie and get a piece of information, you’re getting it exactly when you’re supposed to. It’s either foreshadowing or, you know,

But it just may well be the beginning of his new career as a psychic.

For those that are wondering about the threesome: Boras was screwing Harvey and the Mets at the same time.

Now go get your fucking shine box!

Reached for comment, Kevin Love said, “I can’t really defend his firing. Or the job he did as coach. ...Actually, I can’t defend anything. Please don’t ask me to.”

In fairness, this is ESPN drug analyst Cris Carter’s area of expertise.

One of the most underrated films of all-time.

He’s reportedly half-thrilled to get the chance to coach Colin Kaepernick.

To sum up:

That interview wasn't the Doocy I was hoping it to be.

You always want your son to do something special with his life. I would have made him Isaac Newton so he would be the first notable person with that name to ever get laid.

Really was rooting for Farfeg. Oh well.

At least now we can tell them apart.

On the plus side, at least he was wearing a longer sock that was probably drenched with sweat. The last thing you want after losing a tooth is a dry sockette.

Technically, ALL photos are old photos. When have you ever seen a photograph from THE FUTURE?

Those aren't mutually exclusive.

“Great, now we’re both suspended!”

“I’ll just show myself out.”

We often have PPL in locker room with credentials who interview NOBODY!