
You can tell this lawyer is a stand-up guy. He says his client makes no excuses, and then he doesn’t thereafter discuss anything that could be considered an excuse, such as the victim striking first, or the victim using a racial slur, or the incident occurring in a bar.

This is like an If They Mated with Justin Turner and Louis CK.

  • Approach calmly.

If they released him because of something that happened On The Border, it’s safe to say that he was Already Gone.

At the NFL awards, it’s the wives and girlfriends that are missing teeth.

This is nothing. The New York Mets have been pretending to be a pro-style team for 53 years.

Especially 20 miles east. Fuckin sharks, man.

She shot him. Read the post dingus.

To the right...side of the plate. But he is a Rembrandt according to GMC bc he can paint the corners. Seriously madbum is good, amirite?

The rituals that Judaism provides for death and mourning never cease to amaze me in their potency and appropriateness. They’re so ancient, and yet they’re such a credit to the tradition.

I’m glad she put this in context of shiva and sheloshim. One of the things I’ve always admired about Jewish mourning practice is that it gives you a structure (seven days, thirty days, the first year) so that you have a bit of a guidebook. It expects you to be properly devastated, and then it gives you a time to start

That was powerful, and very human. RIP Dave.

“Panning on food for 15 seconds instead of devoting 27% of the story toward descriptions of food” would be another.

I’m not gonna sit here and beat around the bush. There’s an OBVIOUS cultural problem at play here. This one murders a dog. One of them thinks dressing like a Nazi is A-OK. One of them intentionally splashes molten nacho cheese all over an innocent woman. Enough is a goddamn nuff! Princes are OUT OF CONTROL.

Given Fielder’s diet and the state of his arteries, this is hardly the first time his balls have left a woman covered in an artificial cheese flavored substance.

Man, think of how much farther a DH would have hit that.

Lord knows, he can’t change.

Hmmm. I’m supposed to take a 13 year old girl to see it in a few hours.

I hope he's alright. He doesn't deserve this. As for the bullfighter, fuck that guy.

But I bet he won’t count cards in Sam Rothstein’s casino again.