
The Yankees are willing to send Mark David Chapman and Barney Miller

setting the bar pretty low huh?good for you

i would have preferred George Carlin’s Ali shpie l but i guess Yassir Arafat in a Rabbi cloak will do

wow what a fantastic bunch of typos

good luck finding a husband now Emily-maybe she can be Jordan Sargent’s assistant

Hey Artie ,Brian Wilson is available too


the Cardinal will not quit even when you are unconscious

yes but are there porchswings?

Winnipeg Blue Bombers Grey Cup 1990-Because I Hate Winnipeg

should have just drank more melk

i’ll bet most of his teammates wanted to thank Barrett.Maybe someone can Roseboro him as an anniversary present

Ca See Ya

they all played B.C.

Predaphiles don’t get your hopes up too high

Winnipeg Mosquitos and Tijuana Tunnels

anything Slash plays

look on the bright side-he gives us a new meaning for face mask

these overpaid stiffs couldn’t beat the Warrior bench
