
Now Adam can take him to that nuclear missile base he’s been wanting to see

Up Against the Centerfold-or How I spent 1976-1979

are those names from the names bracket?

it’s really more barter than slavery-they can leave with a degree/education if they are up to it

i’m glad

unless bill Veeck makes him dh the kid needs to get the fuck out -and fuck LaRoach too

i think sexual harrasment beats rape this year

Barry’s comeback hinges on Stanton sharing what he takes

Redbreast by a long margin

retiring-just like the Scorpions

still no I in team

the few million less in his bank account is”unfounded “as well

i feel bit sorry for the kid who raised the puig

Leonys was just traded for 200 kilos

more like the transcript

i guess you can say whatever you want now

at least throw some coke in for good measure

being drunk most of the time can protect one from CTE-just ask Dan

Does everyone have to play guitar these days?Aren’t there enough bad James Taylor’s already?

Who in Las Vegas reads anything besides a racing form?