
The info under the second heading about “[Deporting] Record Number of Criminal Aliens in the First Year” is extremely important. It calls for the definition of “criminal” to be defined as anyone arrested (emphasis his), as opposed to charged. So, undocumented people suspected of a crime (whether they are guilty or

The Tennessee Immigrant and Refugee Rights Coalition has done voter registration, legislative advocacy and generally has worked like hell the last decade in a state where it is, ahem, not especially easy to be an immigrant. They literally have people coming to their doors today scared and crying. You can donate here.

If you’re in a crosswalk and you see a car coming, are you more likely to scurry across the road or slow down to show that numbskull who’s boss?

Deep cut, but yep — TN, Kindergarten ‘91.

How long til baseball decides, for demographic purposes, that it needs to go total throwback and start having players wear wool caps and knickers all the time and run through wooden outfield walls again?

What you’re doing, Mike the Bike, is blowing our minds

KTLA Producer: Give me Liberte, or give me dress

Only West Brom fan in America here. Glad for the ban. Sorry it didn’t happen two years earlier to Anelka.

You know, I had a Lyft driver once who looked just like you.

Random question here: Is Cutler "allowed" to wear a Vanderbilt cap to post-game pressers? I remember the Alex Smith fine, but maybe the NFL doesn't consider the SEC a "competing league." (SEC teams should definitely be considered as competition for the Bears, however.)


No argument there. He's looked stronger this WC than in the last several games of the EPL.

Right at the end of the overhead shot, you can see Kompany caught out as he starts to go toward Zabaleta, creating the space after the deflection. Not necessarily his fault, but Kompany's getting worn out early.

And somehow not the worst commercial in that stock. That award goes to the "Rap History" YouTube promos that quickly climb the ladder from "That was weird" upon first viewing to "I WILL COMMIT A SHOCKING ACT OF VIOLENCE ALTHOUGH I AM AN OTHERWISE REASONABLE MAN" after the 50th.

He's being used much the same way he was used at West Brom with Shane Long: let his teammates tire the defense out, and then bring him on to cut the soft underbelly. That was the (obviously successful) strategy against the U.S. Lukaku started earlier in the group stage and didn't prove as effective.