You spelled Woostah wrong
You spelled Woostah wrong
Meanwhile, in Worchester, Mass.:
To be honest, I have tons of work to do, with school starting back up next week I am WAY behind. Deadspin is an excellent way to avoid doing it.
Do you have anything better to do than spend 20-30 minutes trying to come up with “jokes” on a Deadspin message board all day that nobody looks at? You must live some life, dude. I wanna be you
I have it on good authority that the bartender at PF Changs is black, and that Mark Davis, after his fourth appletini did in fact offer him the job. Negotiations broke down only after Davis couldn’t get the bartender to be his best friend in the entire world as well.
Agreed. If anything, the only people sneering at anyone else are some of the arrogant team runners, the ones that aren’t quite good enough to be elites but are still fast and have an arrogance about it. The vast majority of runners are very positive and encouraging to everyone, regardless of pace.
I’m training for my third marathon and am one of the barely sub-5 hour people the old-school marathoners like to sneer at. My take on them is the same as my take on these guys.
Yeah, we can read a lot into it, and blame US Soccer as much as we want (yeah, it’s fun!), but in the end, this is about the World Cup. Mexico is playing in it, and we aren’t. For an 18 year old, this can mean great exposure and a big transfer/contract.
I’m just waiting for the midseason trade between the Lakers and whatever Lithuanian team that fields the other 2 Balls.
I can’t imagine anyone having sex with this man willingly.
Honest question: Did you know, until I just now told you, that she used to be lawyer for Big tobacco?
I’m sure she will be destroyed by the true leftists, saying she’s phony neoliberal. The same people will vehemently defend franken. Neoliberal, a death penalty offense. Women groper, not so much.
One would assume that a Pitino would finish up the sex stuff rather quickly
Sigh.... I’d love to argue against a Patriots win but we’ve all seen this movie before.
“Me too. I’ve got a job opening to fill!” – Jim Irsay
“Man, that *does* sound exciting!”
New Orleans Saints 2006-present.
Has anyone reached out to the Tequila Cowboy for comment or is Jerry Jones too busy to talk?
Excited to see what an offense conceived on a boatload of painkillers looks like.