
I don't consider waiting 50 hours in line to buy a game that there will be millions of copies of a badge of honour.

If the shoe fits...

I'm pretty sure what killed BC was that demo. I was primed to buy it. Tried the demo and it just turned me off. I know it wasn't the best and I should've given it a better chance but all I could think of was struggling with the controls as I get killed over and over.

Gettin Red Dead Redemption and Alan Wake. So pumped for both.

@MarkoPolos: Didn't mean to come across that way. Just curious what someone so sensitive about spoilers is doing on a site that would be full of them :{

@MarkoPolos: What the hell are you on a video game website for then?

Excellent reporting kotaku. Way to repost 4chan stuff.

@Piemonkey: Yeah, remove Kotaku from favourites.

Eugh. I got the H3: Legendary Edition... never again. I never play Halo and the helmet is worth next to nothing (My Walmart STILL has new copies of legendary) and it's in my crawlspace. Aughhhhhh

Anyone remember when manuals for games were cool and worth reading? Now they're black and white pictures of the Xbox controller + Epilepsy warnings...

@Welshy59: Splitting the comunity will be damned near impossible if they make LBP2. If they don't split the community they won't be able to add the big stuff that would make LBP2 worth while. If they DO split the community they face "backlash"

If they make this like Silent Hill in the army that focuses heavily on the trip down the river it could be excellent. They'd need to be careful with it, but if they can instill the lurking feeling of dread/hopelessness the movie has it has potential.

Putting Christian ANYWHERE near music immediatly will turn loads of people off. Not for spiritual reasons... just the preconception that Christian music is bad.

@Whizkid103: My uncle was lit up by the VC in Nam 'cause of his yellow Gameboy Pocket. If he had a camo PSP he'd still be here.

@Jekku: He's the greatest motivational speaker of all time.

@sliny77: It's worth noting that I'm not for any censorship aside from blatant hatespeach. I was just stating my personal views on the religion in games thing. I don't want games preaching to me. Game companies should be able to do what ever they'd like, I just wouldn't play Super Jesusgotochurchoryouwillburnin...