My fav N64 game was made by them. I LOVED Top Gear: Overdrive. :)
My fav N64 game was made by them. I LOVED Top Gear: Overdrive. :)
@Sammo21: 360 is like 50% Original Xbox is 26%
@Trailnutz: To discourage others to follow suit when spammed.
@Mister_Jack: Especially since they had no problem at all with Jimi Hendrix.
Directly? No. I can still afford games. Indirectly? Yes. A lot of games I may have bought are now cancelled.
Beauty and the beast?
It's not fair... it's.... not... fair. :(
I'm hoping that freeing up the other 2 movies for multiplayer is free.
I wear perscription glasses, so I can't wear both.
I love the Nintendo one. Animal Crossing always seems to make me wish I had a Wii.... :\
I wish they took paypal. :\
Got my pre-order ready for Calvin Tucker's Redneck Jamboree. Can't wait for the midnight launch party down at the Waffle House.
@Jandlecack: Then just play Guildwars. It's more... interesting, and you can get all 4 games for $80-ish at Walmart or where ever. No monthly fees.
@Malthius: It was T then changed to M. I think because of the topless files found or something.... My oblivion case says T for teen. :o
@babelfisher: The review is that reviewers interpretation of the game, and how much THEY like it. Not how much everyone will like it.