
This week's a big meh here.

Augh. this gen sucks console wise.

The terradeforming could go either way. It could be way cool. or jsut sketchy. I'm hoping it's cool, but either way I'll probably just rent for now.

2 weeks... when I went to summer camp 2 times in a row one year. D:

Oh god. I want to play this, but, I'm not buying a PS3 for a 15 dollar gardening game.... :'(

Is not surprised!

the thought of a vaccuum needing to loose weight is funny for some reason.

I'm not getting a pokemon vibe from the actual pies...

Skip prom to get a pokemon...?

I just threw up in my mouth

he's too quiet. Hold the phone up to your mouth kthnx. :\

Guitar Hero 3 and Halo 3 Legendary... the helmet is a bit much.

They forgot Ping Palls

I feel bad for uwe. People hate on him constantly. Sure he has a big mouth, but who wouldn't being the butt of so many jokes. :(

Blast Corps.

CBS owns Last.fm?! That was bigger news for me!

I'm all for gay rights, but really... does he NEED that in his name?