
I really need to ask myself this question:

The only moral abortion is MY abortion--the anti crowd in a nutshell.

Wow, we’re getting two identical stories on this, huh?

They’re vehemently opposed to birth control and sex education as well. They’re super-concerned with a life developing in the womb, but they won’t do anything to improve the health of a pregnant person and therefore the fetus. And once the baby is out of the womb, they don’t care at all. Oh, and if they want an

Have we learned nothing from China? They tried the same approach with the one child policy because they thought women can turn reproductive abilities on and off. They even have abortion and BCP there, and they still couldn't control the birth rate the way they thought they could!

I appreciate the perspective of this article and also clicked on it because it said I wouldn’t read it. I don’t read every article, even though I deeply care about access to safe and affordable abortions, because it feels so repetitive. Same shit different day. I’ve had some idea of how the click economy works, and

If the anti-abortion people were actually about reducing abortions, they would be all for sex ed and access to contraceptives. The fact that they hate those things even more than abortion shows what it’s actually about:

Does it surprise anyone that the very same people who complain that women are having kids and going on relief also just as vehemently opposed to abortion.

I feel like I should speak up for a (probably small) demographic. I care deeply about abortion rights, and have since I was about 10. BUT I don’t always click on each story for the simple reason that 1. I know it will piss me off and I have a 4yo in lockdown and can’t afford to lose any more patience than I already do

Now playing

Thanks for posting this. PE stance as political activists has been a joy across the years; particularly during decades where lazier media sources immediately classified any rap as criminal / “gang-stuh” and feeding in to bigotry.

omg, i laughed thank you

Once again, for the young uns’, the Kennedy myth is just that, a myth.  We can stop it by not continuing to expect a member of their family will do something different than previous generations.  It’s not my state so I don’t have a dog in the hunt, but for fucks sake don’t make this jabroni a player for 2024. 

How do these people both find someone so quickly after divorce? I’ve been trying for 2 years and have only gotten a five month relationship with someone that ended because he decided he wasn’t ready to be in a relationship. Otherwise, just a lot bad first dates.

It’s a good thing for his new wife that people aren’t going to the gym very often with Covid

Jiffy Pop chic.

I’m sure they were revolting before poor H&M moved in.

I thought she looked like a glamourous weather balloon.

I hate the wealth disparity in our country and have little love or fascination with the rich, whom I think should pay way more in taxes. That said, Joan’s repeated schtick of justifying any meanness because the victim is rich is fucking tiresome.


“It’s wrong that black people are discriminated against by the color of their skin. It’s not my fault.”