
Don’t forget gaslighting them when caught, using mealy-mouthed doubletalk because they’ve learned that as long as they say the right words after the fact, all will be forgiven.“Oh, the official chapter didn’t sanction that behavior!” (As they all giggle behind their sleeves about how clever and funny they are). 

I’d take equal pay. As a beginning.

Don’t, though, because evil lies: it tells you you can have all this stuff if you just quit caring about other people, and leaves alone with the empty husk of yourself.

It always makes me laugh when they do this “gasp! We would never! Here are the buzzwords we think will get us out of this.” reaction. Fuck off, bros. We all know what mainstream frats* are like, and they’re garbage.

A Kardashian naming her child “Stormi” is the most 2017 thing I’ve read in the past year and two months.

There are far more talented artists—genius artists!—than there are venues. Depriving the world of Close’s art by taking it down doesn’t deprive the world of good art—it makes room for art that isn’t also produced by problematic artists. So I’d be glad to see it taken off the walls entirely and replaced by someone

“Last time I looked, discomfort was not a major offense.”

Your idea of “romance” is not more important than our idea of rape.

1. He said the statues were bad because they were put up years later to reassert white power. I assume you took that quote out of context in bad faith to create a straw man argument.

So what you’re saying is that Reality Bites predicted Abigail Fisher.

My heart is fucking pounding with rage right now, and I have tears in my eyes. I absolutely CANNOT believe how hard he’s fighting this. I fucking can’t. I listened to the whole thing with my hand over my mouth.

Uh, yeah. I am aware of that. Nowhere did I say contrary (though he obviously did), but I do appreciate you graphically describing the rape.*

Every time you think you seen the absolute dumbest thing on this planet, to the point you are 100% convinced nothing could POSSIBLY be dumber...
Just wait five min. The GOP will show up with “Oh, THAT’S the dumbest thing you’ve ever seen? Here. Hold my beer. And my other beer. And my crackpipe. And don’t let anyone

Fuck this shit. I love doritos. I will lick my fingers in public, but I pour the crumbs into my hand because I wasn’t raised by wolves. Haven’t been kicked out of the Junior League yet.

Don’t forget that we need to feed the snakes in our heads too!

I was literally polishing off a small bag of Cool Ranch doritos as I read this and had reached the “tipping the bag into mouth for crumbs” section right at that goddamn paragraph.

This is a shitty comment. There’s nothing wrong with aspiring to motherhood. It’s a valid thing to want to do. You’re projecting your issues on to someone else and that’s fucked up. Get therapy and work that shit out.

She doesn’t owe it to anyone to make giving sex education classes part of her public persona. She’s a makeup mogul. Ask yourself why you’re obsessed with demonizing her.