I watched his entire interview today and.....dude is trash. What else to say
I watched his entire interview today and.....dude is trash. What else to say
I see things like this and I feel argh:
This article is kind of a mess. The black dress wearing is a symbolic display of solidarity, nothing more; there’s all sorts of easily Googleable coalition building going on behind the scenes by women throughout the entertainment industry. You may or may not find it adequate, but at least do the research. Not to…
Every one in awhile Jezebel reminds us that they’re not above clickbait.
Weekend Jez, ya baffles me.
To those suggesting that women should either not attend or show up to the Golden Globes in jeans or burlap sacks, remember this: these shows are part of their job. All the awards shows are part of the business construct of Show Business; the publicizing, marketing, and selling of the product.
Oh my god fucking apologize to that stylist right now! How the fuck is this kind of shit helping? You went off the deep end.
Those posters made me seethe. She might have known. I personally think it’s feasible she didn’t (too high up the food chain) but she wasn’t the abuser and it makes my blood boil when people will find a reason, any reason, to somehow blame women for men’s crimes.
Why exactly is Jezebel promoting the Trump supporter who made the Meryl Streep posters?
That wasn’t a quote about rape, and that was a pretty messed up thing to do to a stylest who was, presumably, being asked a question about her job.
Today is the 10 year anniversary of my intended death. I acknowledged my family’s pain but had nothing left to give so I swallowed a bottle of sleeping pills and had flashes of being tucked into a gurney (it felt so tight and safe) pulling tubes out of my arm and nurses yelling, and then waking up in a mental…
Excellent. Hopefully, Roy Moore and his equally repulsive wife get their asses handed to them in court, after having paid a small fortune in attorney’s fees.
What a gorgeous article! Thank you, Kelly.
Thanks Captain Obvious!
The real reason he shut it down is that a judge ruled that any information the republicans gathered using the vfc would then have to be shared with the democrats.
And I’m sure she’s gonna love watching this film. Perhaps Eric Knudsen can set her up with a pre-screening. Where is he? What’s he up to? Kicking back in FL with his royalties?
*Attempted murder-the child they stabbed thankfully survived but seems to still be traumatized.
Maybe this is an unpopular opinion, but I found the revival season of X-Files to be really boring. My wife and I didn’t even bother to finish watching. I have almost no confidence this one will be any better.