
That nutter Michelle Bachman shouldn’t have even been put on TV to be interviewed since everything she says is bananas BUT he knows that she’s incapable of answering a question truthfully. Her only goal is to spit out a few talking points between him shouting over her. He acted like an ass. That was weird. They were

I am so happy for you!

You’re right that ECT is Orwellian sounding but when the reality you’re living is a more painful dystopia than anything you’ve ever read the word Orwellian just doesn’t have the same ring to it. I understand why it has gotten such a bad rap but much of that seems fictionalized in my experience. Many of your

I’ve had 3 rounds of ECT. It’s hard to say if it is why I lived through those dark times but I’m alive so that’s not nothing! I know it’s not why I’m well now though. That took a lot of other things to achieve but they bought me time. It is absolutely brain damaging too. And scary as hell. (Not an endorsement at all


Oh me too BPT! I’d check into the hospital for stress but I’m not a paid sexual harrasser and adle pated sleaze bag with generous benefits! Grrrrrr

Everything Porter said was unnerving, dishonest and cruel. Disgusting.

Oh god floppy moppet I’m sorry that happened. That would freak anyone out Jesus.

I’m so sorry that this has happened to you

I did the same. It’s been horrible there for a while. So many commenters that are less clever by 1/2 than the believe themselves to be.

Jinni, and I say this in all sincerity, your thoughtfulness and wisdom gives me so much joy and hope.

There she is! I figured out how to post a pic! She’s totally wigged out on the nip!

Your sweet Pete look a lot my Pygmalion or Pygg as she is affectionately known. She’s my spastic avatar going wiggy on catnip! Pete is a beaut!

I’ve been a lurker here for years. This community has helped me in more ways I can count. It’s nice seeing people care for one another and support each other. It really keeps me going sometimes too!

I am so very sorry that you are facing such a tremendous loss and my heart goes out to you. Having been through a difficult loss that affected my family and children I would like to suggest that when you are ready you find a good grief counselor. From my own experience and others I have met, it’s possible to get

Not by a long shot! *shudder*

You made me Beavis laugh!

My dear John Deere

Yeah that may well be true. It hits a nerve in part because people have no problem saying it to our faces. Still. I would recommend anyone get married like we did though. It was impulsive and umm well kind of a dare. That’s immature. We’ve grown up and grown up well :) Most people don’t know how ridiculous the

I married at 21 to a 24 year old. Just celebrated our 25th anniversary. This old too young to marry trope is slightly patronizing. People still tell us we were too young to get married. It’s weird