This show is like an R-rated Bob’s Burgers, in that all of the characters are such weirdos, but they’re not painted as the butt of the joke because of it. Season 2 was fantastic, glad to hear we’ll get more of it.
This show is like an R-rated Bob’s Burgers, in that all of the characters are such weirdos, but they’re not painted as the butt of the joke because of it. Season 2 was fantastic, glad to hear we’ll get more of it.
Honestly, this is the kind of shit I expect to see on the actual red carpet. This is such a superior group of looks!
If companion NPCs count, then either Jolee Bindo or Thane Krios. If we’re only referring to people who don’t follow you around, probably GLaDOS
On some level, due to climate change, especially, I agree with you. Not only are we too many for planet earth but I cannot imagine that we have much of a future ahead of us. Why condemn another human to the mass extinction we are facing?
I’m surprised no one (that I saw) mentioned Mordin Solus. I thought he had the funniest ship interactions and his finale, for me, was the most moving. Honorable mention to Legion.
To each their own I imagine.
That family is obviously grieving, so I don’t necessarily think this is “messed up”. If this helps that family, why do I care? That said, to publicize this for clicks and likes is pretty messed up. But since no one here knows how this came about, or speaks korean, I’ll just default back to my original statement. If it…
ABSO FUCKING LUTELY. It took my husband years to get over his intense anger towards his parents, at the abuse he received from his father and abject neglect by his mother. Getting over that did not include forgiveness. Getting over it was finally erasing them from his life. He never looked back and died in peace.
I think you bring up an important point, the “vanity” restaurant.
Ah ok that's better at least.
Blandest in a world where film-version Steppenwolf exists?
The fact that Cass is even in this movie at all is impressive considering that, up until Rebirth, DC had spent years trying to pretend she didn’t exist.
As a DC fan, it’s been gratifying that they’ve turned things around so much the last year. Aquaman and Shazam were great fun and even though Joker had some issues, that was head a shoulders better than the Snyder and Ayer disasters.
I completely agree, the ultra rich are a distortion on the economy and politics, and if I had my way, heavy taxes would essentially cap wealth at a certain point.
I’d love the reverse-concept show: Undercover Poor. A struggling working-class person is dressed up fancy to infiltrate rich-person domains: country clubs, GOP fundraisers, galas, etc.
Thing is, if we forced them to use their money we could solve a lot of the world’s problems. Maybe some sort of tax?
To be fair, the band has something like 900,000 songs at this point. :D