
I feel weird about Tom Cruise. Because there’s a part of me that will always look at his early career - Legend, Interview with a Vampire - and get really sad that whoever was managing his career (I’m guessing the CoS) decided he needed to ‘man up’ and pushed him into an action hero mold that he just doesn’t quite fit.

I live in the UK, which has even less to choose from (for a while, I shopped exclusively ASOS). Once a year, I hit up City Chic and splash out on the international shipping. And every time I’m in the US, I stock up on bras and undies from Cachique because there is nowhere with even close to the quality in the UK.

The thing is, being a corporate lawyer was never her choice. It never made her happy, and was often - especially in NYC - a major factor in her unhappiness. She’s still fresh into the pretzel business, and has only recently started taking genuine control of her life. It’s very easy to feel disjointed and behind, when

Sadly, Cadbury chocolate was bought by Kraft Foods most of a decade ago and tastes increasingly cheap and awful nowadays. It doesn’t have that weird, sickly sweet/sour taste that Hershey’s does, but it’s really not great.

I’ve been listening to TMBG’s Your Racist Friend a lot in the last couple of years. Over and over, one lyric keeps running through my head when it comes to those who voted for this garbage fire: “Can’t shake the Devil’s hand, then say you’re only kidding.”

Nah, it’s only morally wrong when a woman does it. We’ll just get an influx of pseudoscience about condoms being bad for the sacred peen.

I’ve been dying to play this!

This is an excellent article, and an excellent time to share They Might Be Giants’ Mrs Bluebeard:

Relationships are and will always be PC’s weakness. She spent years hanging on to Bojack, in a really messed up, one-sided relationship that ultimately gave her nothing but heartache, and then went from Bojack to... well, Vincent.

I remember being far too young for Duckman (8-11) but staying up late and watching it anyway with my dad. Mum hated it and would leave the room, and I had no idea what was going on, but talking animals, right? The only thing I remember from it is learning what “thunder thighs” meant.

I remember watching an interview with her probably about 15 years ago, where she was talking about how she does yoga every morning. The only thing I remember was her remark that her dad walked in on her doing it and said, “Oh, you’ve found a way to actually shove your head up your ass.”

I just want a Christmas special set in Hotel. Just fully embrace the weirdo murderous Addams family vibe and go full chintz with it.

I think Diane and Princess Carolyn have always been objectively broken. They’ve been better at hiding it, especially when the focus was primarily on Bojack and Todd, but as the focus has shifted, the cracks have become more obvious.

Something missing from your argument: romance novels rarely ever cater to queer folks. Sure, you can find plenty of mlm books out there (including many written for women!) but it’s difficult to find books featuring wlw that aren’t written purely for titilation or fraught with ~*difficult emotions*~ around being queer.

As someone with a complicated relationship with their parents, season 4 was incredibly cathartic. I know that, toxic though they can be, I’m unlikely to ever fully cut my parents out of my life, and watching Bojack navigate his relationship with his mother - made all the more difficult because of her dementia - was

It takes a few episodes to find its rhythm, but it’s absolutely not a show that makes light of alcoholism or addiction. It’s actually one of the best depictions of both on TV, especially exploring the insidious cycle and underlying issues that go hand-in-hand with it. 

My wife is ace and I’m demi, and Todd’s exploration of his identity means so damn much to both of us. 

I watched The Mummy for the first time the other week, and I loved how sympathetic and fun he could make a role. It saddens me that Chris Pratt seems to be the new answer to Brendan Fraser, because he doesn’t have anywhere near the natural warmth that Fraser generates. 

Let’s be honest. There was a fairy godmother in Ever After and it was Leonardo Di Vinci.

I don’t know how I hadn’t heard of When the Clock Strikes before. I’m always here for Tanith Lee fairytale retellings. Though, my favourite retelling collection will always remain the thoroughly queer, poetic Kissing the Witch by Emma Donoghue.