I gotta say, I’m pretty sure Shakespeare would’ve watched the shit out of this.
I gotta say, I’m pretty sure Shakespeare would’ve watched the shit out of this.
Every day, my need to see a Hilary version of the off-Broadway ‘Adams Administration’ rap in Hamilton grows more. It hardly even needs changed:
What really gets me is that it would be great if our system had more than two parties, but the smaller parties never try to work from the ground up, they just send these grossly under qualified candidates every four years and then sulk when people don’t flock to them.
One of my dearest friends is the same. She’s 86 and a tiny Jewish hippy. Her first husband and father of her children was a black man, back when it was only barely legal. They were shot at multiple times during their marriage, and she still says that this terrifies her even more.
Won’t be Abbie, but she is now starring in a puppet noir flick by Brian Henson!
You’re doing good. Really good.
Former presentation designer here! Alongside what everyone else has said, a really good skill to learn is to balance the white space. Don’t just have all of your text on one side of the slide and nothing on the other, but also don’t clutter the slide so much that your audience doesn’t know where to focus.
There’s a major housing crisis in the UK, largely because of flats like these, as well as because of scum who buy up a house, carve it into 4 tiny flats and then rent them out at an inflated price. I’m immensely lucky to have been able to buy my first house last year, and I was only able to because I’m willing/able to…
You’re welcome! It’s wonderful and Joanna Scanlan is superb in it, and it does not get the love or recognition it deserves.
Random, but I have to ask: have you seen No Offense? Because Terri from Thick of It (Joanna Scanlan) stars and it is the best take on a police procedural I’ve ever seen. Funny and fun and occasionally chilling, and the main cast is 4/5 women.
Tax shelters, for one. It’s a huge fucking problem in London that cheaper buildings get bought, torn down, and skyscraper apartment buildings are put in their place that cost millions of £s and tend to all get sold off to wealthy foreigners who will never, ever live there.
I mean, British celebrity is different from Hollywood celebrity, but Alan Rickman was with his partner/wife for years before he even had a break on stage, and a decade before Die Hard, and they were together throughout his entire acting career. And, especially with older queer actors who come out, their partners have…
Considering JK has been campaigning for New Labour really hard, to the extent that she’s actively campaigning against Jeremy Corbin ahead of a vital general election, and that she has nothing but praise for Depp in the wake of Amber Heard’s allegations, as far as I’m concerned she can go fuck herself.
I would argue that those examples are also such obvious topics for that sort of humour that it would be like calling theft across the internet because a dozen news sites made the same terrible jokes following this year’s Oscars. They’re easy grabs for either side.
I used to read a website that was basically a collection of dumb/vile shit fundamentalist Christians were blathering on the internet. I had to stop because after a while, it felt like I had a cold, my brain was so dulled and aching. Reading Trump speak brings that same feeling back in 1/10th the time.
Also, in discussing how vile Scientology can be and chastising someone who is part of the religion for not openly criticising it, it’s irresponsible not to also acknowledge that Scientology is the way it is partially because it brainwashes its members and partially because it effectively holds them hostage. They can…
I’ll agree that your first statement is true nowadays, the lines were more blurred back then. We didn’t have the sort of language we do now, or the understanding, and many trans women did fall under the drag queen umbrella back.
Another vital fact for these Arkansas men specifically, but likely telling of the whole justice system: at least five of the eight men have mental illnesses and/or intellectual impairments and for many of them, their lawyers did the bare minimum, and sometimes not even that. One case hinged entirely on the word of the…
It’s also likely a conscious effort not to ever mention Trump. Vaguely refer to, maybe, but to openly criticise someone that unstable is dangerous, and would likely be looked down upon by swing voters, which then puts Democrats in a bad light.