Mister Gristle

If that image of him says anything, it would be John and Horace telling him to, “get the fuck out of Dodge.”

Contrary to his image, Yu is not all , “La, La....”

In a Nissan crash inspection, that passed the pumpkin test.


[Friday, midnight]

[inside massive warehouse]

Well, you know the saying, old Habs are hard to beat.

“Can we just shut the fuck up and end this?”

Employer - “Previous experience?”

“Lonzo, you are going to take this 3 and knock it down,” Walton said he told the rookie. “And he liked it. He didn’t make it, but he walked back to me and said, ‘Coach, I am going to hit the next one.’ And he missed the next one too.”

Excellent intro, Drew.

Jake Allen also captures every nuance of when I try to slide into someone’s DM’s.

The open enabling of hate by Trump has allowed shitbags like this to feel empowered and threaten anyone that emasculates their realm of perceived entitlement. Straight up echoes history and Nazi Germany.

This was excellent, thank you.

*Trump Approved

In all fairness, local news is just a regurgitation of already chewed over bits.

So, at least Mexico will be relieved that they will not be on the hook for building up this Wall.