Weep For The Future

This article should have a trigger warning for MRAs.

If we are lucky he will flee the country.

Did I miss the article pointing out how O’Reilly’s severance is double what his accused victims got?

If you’re not a Jew, than you are considered a Gentile, but that would be a weird thing to say about the departed.

So that’s a bill of $4641 per person Germany, you can expect collections calls starting this morning. - Donald Grump

At 60, describing Bob Saget as being anywhere near his mid-life is easily the nicest thing he has heard in 30 years.

The picture looks like she is using Force Lightning on someone, which I guess would make her a Sith, hmmmm... Yah, that makes sense.

But, does he play a sport? I doesn’t even have to be a cool one.

Filing this away for when in 5 years I still haven’t heard of her doing anything else.