No love for Vita :(
No love for Vita :(
I don't know if I was clear in my previous post, but I meant that bumping it up to 2 gallons is well within reason for the small-package brewing setup. Agreed 5+ gal can be more than you actually want.
You can buy pre-filled bottles at most grocery/corner stores. It's more fun that way.
Having done a few Brooklyn Brew Shop kits, I do not recommend them to new brewers for a few reasons:
It would appear that there is a large population of mothers who hold it in on the 13th.
Sounds like the UK Prime Minister has been on the internet for longer than you.
So Gizmodo has listened to a pair of these? You have some basis for this? Someone in that office actually thinks that an open-air IEM sized dynamic driver can provide ANY low frequency efficiency at all?
Leave the skin on! I understand people don't like the texture of it, but the slight bitterness of the peel provides the perfect balance for the Kiwi's sourness.
I also read a study that chewing gum with your mouth closed results in a 90% decreased chance of getting punched in the face.
I'll suffer the inconvenience of taking my shoes off if it is the difference between losing a day to travel or spending a day at my destination.
World of Warcraft, many many times. I was living in England and raiding with an East Coast US guild (aka 1am-5am raids). Sleep came naturally.
CoD, Resistance, Killzone.. same shit different name. Those will sell systems, I hope. However they HAVE get multi-player working well if it is going to succeed. But when the top 3 of your very small selection of upcoming AAA games are within the same genre you've got issues.
I know the DVD/VHS player seems obsolete for consumer use, but it is actually still very relevant for the educational sector. It would be wonderful if faculty would get with the times and transfer their old VHS tapes to a digital format but that isn't how faculty tend to operate. Thus in the AV design for new…
The US launch was strong (game wise) but right now the outlook is pretty bleak. What is there to look forward to right now? Madden? A new Call of Duty Game? There is no way that a mediocre Uncharted game can carry the Vita on its back. If I was a potential Vita purchaser right now, I'd have no reason to not wait…
This is the internet, we all have beards now.
"Okay, I'm about to explode your world here. The drip coffeemaker you've got at home and at your office on the left here? It sucks." (M. Buchanan, 2009)
Too pretty to do any towing. You won't want to let your pukey kids ride in it. And you won't want to get it dirty off-road...
Any MMO that isn't World of Warcraft. They all look so cool and fresh and then I play them for a couple hours and realize it is the same thing while at the same time not being nearly as much fun (possibly because of nostalgia). This includes Age of Conan, Warhammer Online, Rift, and SWTOR.
I am a huge Uncharted fan and will gobble up any release in the series (even the Vita version, which is the worst by far)... here are my thoughts:
As per Randy Mosher (beer god) never pour down the side. I am in agreement with him based on my own empirical data. You gain a lot head retention AND you get a much thicker head. If you have a small 13oz glass, yes it will take a couple minutes while some head dies down.