Hey Bro Whats Neigh

Please do some fact checking before making inaccurate statements.

Oh boy white knighting Zoe? There are women more deserving than her believe me, aside from obvious conflict of interest that her fucking around caused she has screwed some indie people with the relative power she has aquired. Really Zoe does not deserve defense, let her rot and instead try to focus on other women.

We should look further than Zoe Quinn. Just picking her isn't enough. I can name Amy Hennig off the top of my head, but one can say that's it? I blame society too for our lack of FAMOUS women game developers.

Zoe slept around to promote her game. Of course she is going to get shit on.

Not a fan of Sarkeesian. I just take issue with the fact that she entered this with an axe to grind and thus is only going to pick evidence that supports her agenda. I think it gets in the way of a meaningful dialogue, after all, it's important to acknowledge when things are being done right as well as wrong, and that

All these AAA games are marketed toward a specific demographic, men 18-40. Until we see more big budget games made by women and marketed toward women, this will be a persistent problem. But to get more gender-fair media out there requires a whole lot of work more than simply calling out developers for being sexist.

I am paying attention. And that's another reason why I don't want it.

I don't disagree. But "one bad day" for him could easily cost someone else their life. Plus, dude is trained on composure (or should be). He still is responsible for this act. Just like I am when I screw the pooch at work.

Your commenting history, or lack thereof has nothing to do with anything.

Yeah all that romanticism will disappear the first time their husband comes home and says "make me some rice bitch" only he says it with a rifle butt to the side of her head.

"fascinating community?"

If Hamas quits firing rockets into Israel then Israel will stop defending themselves. If Hamas would quit firing at Israel from hospitals, schools, and Palestinian homes then those structures wouldn't be targeted. Thousands of missiles have been fired into Israel with no response. I can only imagine what Americans

Free markets are a myth and you use the term simply as a trope of modern politics. Limited government is another catch-phrase which means "let me do the shit I want for myself and at the expense of other people and leave me the fuck alone" and the rest of your simpering screed reads like a longer and political version

Aww. Does it hurt to know that Hispanics make up a majority of people under 18 in Texas and will be 31% of the US by 2060? That sound you hear is old white men dying by the scores every day, and never voting Republican again.

I saw an interview of him once, and he seemed really well-adjusted. The highlight was when the interviewer asked him if he could ever get into politics, as he has name recognition. His response was, "There's no way I am electable. I'm an atheist." Priceless!

It is hard not to be horribly ageist when a very specific group of old people keep managing to fuck up so much stuff.

Hey, asshole.

How many pro-isreal people do you see attacking a palestinian team?

Religion of Peace.