Wednesday's leftovers

We could get a morbid sort of “Thanks ISIS” meme going

Radical community organization, the cessation of drone attacks, outreach, acceptance, an understanding of the effects of the “society of the spectacle,” anti-racism activism, human rights enforcement, valuing people people over capital, sacrifice, loss of fear, reduction of “othering,” forgiveness, amnesty, DIALOG,

I think somehow REAL opportunities and GOOD education can go a long way. Some will never be converted to the LOVE train, but many can be, and when a community is able to stick together and have hope, then the haters look just like the criminal jack-asses they are, instead of martyrs.

Thank you for sharing. So many of us in America lack a personal connection to places like Baghdad and Dhaka, I believe sharing stories like this are really important. It isn't just some place on the map you don't intend to ever visit. They are families just like yours and mine and are equally important.

^^ this is the most terrifying part. People who believe that this world holds nothing for them, and are willing to die in a solo suicide attack are very, very difficult to stop. The actions of the US and their allies created many, many of these people.

I have wished more than once that victims of these sorts of attacks in Muslim-majority countries would get the same coverage that we give to victims of domestic terror attacks. Show us their pictures. Tell us their names and their stories. Let us cry over these murdered children the way we cried over the murdered

Sadly these jackasses have appointed themselves arbiters of who is or is not a good Muslim. So they’ve basically declared every Muslim who doesn’t buy their murderous bullshit to be ‘as bad’ as any old western infidel, and worthy of death. Oh and if they accidentally murder someone innocent allah will fix it all in

I don’t think westerners understand how much our countries make up our identity. it’s like a part of our genotype, so saying we hate our countries always comes with an attached sadness and reservoirs of hope. I think most of us love America but are salty about the state of affairs in the Middle East and the

Murdering families that are breaking their Ramadan fast doesn't sound very Islamic.

This whole piece, and especially that quote, really struck a chord with me. I grew up in a working class family and attended an elementary school in a predominately black and Latino neighborhood in Los Angeles. I earned a scholarship for all four years to a prestigious, private all girls high school. During my time

I can’t believe nobody in her life could point out to 18 year old Abigail that her name would be associated with this forever. Long after she is dead. It’s like being the white guy in Plessy vs. Ferguson. We may not know much about you, but your name is going to provoke disgust in people 50 years later. Good job.

Yeah this really bugged me. Like when I dated this guy I met in some activism circles who called me a sellout for pulling back on my activism and focus my time on going to grad school to become a librarian. A LIBRARIAN, of all things, was a sellout to him.

i actually kind of know her. we’ve never met(or even talked) but our fathers know each other. beyond racism, i just cant understand allowing my name to be attached to something so polarizing. the ego it takes to allow your name to be attached to this for the rest of your life is beyond comprehension to me. every job

There’s plenty of speculation within the UT staff that parents are trying to place their kids in somewhat less competitive schools to game the 7% rule. Not the easiest thing to measure or study, but that definitely sounds like something a certain type of parent would do.

When I was 16, I was paid minimum wage to participate in a reality TV show in Puerto Rico that included challenges like eating mayonnaise on camera with my hands tied behind my back.

IT is unutterably sad to me that her parents did not sit her down and make her realize that she did not get in to the college of her choice because she did not earn it. Bottom line. These upper middle class parents need to get real with their offspring: race and money can only get you so far. Granted, it will get you

I hadn’t seen this comment from Fisher before:

I’ve lost two jobs solely based on the reporting of my case.

2016 America: Where a 12-year old boy is shot and killed by the police for playing with a toy and it’s his fault because he should have “known” that people would see him as a threat, while a full-grown adult who rapes an unconscious woman and tries to flee should only have to endure a couple months of jail because

I don’t know whether or not I agree with this. Obviously Bill is human garbage, but I’m not sold on Camille.