
It looks like he can actually see the headline and is super bummed about it

Jesus, what a positive motherfucker you are. Looks at these pearls of wisdom and generous contributions you've added to the conversation dickhead:

Looks like the mess was all Percy's fault.

Looks like no one was harvin a good time anymore.

As a previous rich white kid who didn't make it, let me tell you something: How the hell did I fuck this up?

Elway's kid looks like such an awesome bro. Fucking wish I was bros with him.

Pictured: John Elway III with a horse.

Landscape Motherfucker!

At least they know when to let the beat down end instead of the US where it ends up in the hospital or the morgue. What's so tough about a group beat down of someone -damned cowards. Sick of it!

Jesus...fucknuts or fucknutz (depending on the origin) should be on that list.

That's one of the best "The fuck kind of amateurs do I work with?" condescending anchor faces I've ever seen in my life.

Now that I've seen the footage, 2 games seems about right.

mmm...just watched the video and now I feel like a shithead. Apologies and goodnight.

Too bad that he'll be arraigned for murder in about 2 years.

I'm not ghana lie, I'm ghana take another look.

I'd care more about soccer if they got rid of the flopping