There’s disposable in leaving them wanting more and disposable like Shirley Eaton or Terri Hatcher.
There’s disposable in leaving them wanting more and disposable like Shirley Eaton or Terri Hatcher.
The UAW IS a corrupt mess. This is from personal experience. Simply put, the UAW leadership’s sole goal is REMAINING in the leadership. This is at all levels down to the local facility. Of course this is not a blanket statement, but all of the members of leadership I personally knew no longer spent one minute on the…
Another thing to consider is what about saccharine? Stevia? How about monk fruit? Just targeting sucralose also seems limit the benefits of this study though it has been in the cross hairs since it came out about 20 years ago. In a perfect world sugar would not be so heavily used in our foods, giving us the cravings…
You DO realize this is a Giz site? That’s like going to McDonald’s and asking to speak to the Sous Chef.
See Michael Cera in Scott Pilgrim. He was WAY too old for that part, on the flip side Judd Nelson, Ally Sheedy, and Emilio Estevez were all in their 20's when they made The Breakfast Club, yet their ages were not a hindrance in accepting them as teens.
I’ve had a Crosstour for 10 years now and I have to say it is one of the best cars I have ever had. Even my in laws liked it so much they bought one for themselves. An Acura car at a Honda price with every quirk and feature you could get in 2011. It has aged well IMHO and it’s shape is close to the Porsche Panamera…
Nope. Nice that you gave her that credit but it is painfully obvious she does not give a damn and is playing the game quite well for a relative newcomer. She already has her eyes on the gavel.
There IS a difference between an injection that has been created, briefly tested and released to the world in as little as 18 months and medications that have been around for decades and are are proven safe when administered as directed. The shots have not been around long enough for a true study of their safety and a…
Late Night has pretty much sucked since Craig Ferguson walked away. His show was the ONLY one that was unlike any of the others. His constant ripping up of his blue card pre-interview questions highlighted how he did things his way. Where else could you see both Desmond Tutu and...puppets? His musical cold opens were…
If you want good cheap fries, McDonald’s as long as they are right out of the fryer. A large is $1 with the app. (They are NOT worth the normal $4)
You forgot one:
Anything life sized Gal Gadot is gonna sell out. Think about the audience there.
I was rather surprised this wasn’t a thing when the movie first came out. It seemed like such a DUH marketing concept.
That shark was NOT used in the movie. None of them survived as they were made mainly of latex and salt water is not kind to much of anything. This is the only remaining fiberglass shark made from the original molds and was on display at Universal until 1990 and ended up mounted at Alden Bros. Auto Wrecking where it…
Crap. Seth is looking OLD. I did NOT recognize him. Is it all the weed or what?
It even emboldens them.
It is SUCH a fun movie. I wish I saw it in the theaters. I think part of the reason the American critics hated it so much was because they couldn’t define it. Part comedy, part action, part drama and even a little musical. If something does not fit in one of the well defined movie types they are lost and cannot handle…
No, that’s from the damn overly sweet tea they serve in the south. More sugar than tea seems to be the way down here.