
By August 2020, Biogen had secured a priority review of the drug, meaning that the FDA had to conclude its process within six months.

Why is Apple treating wireless charging like some alien concept? Palm phones had it in 2009. Over ten years later and they are still only implementing it sporadically, just like the move to USB-C on all of their devices. Even my Note 5 could wirelessly charge nearly 10 years ago. I do not understand Apple’s tendency

I haven’t seen Inherent Vice, but the unreliable narrator does work well when it is USED well and I think that is the problem. There are times when the concept is used simply because the story wasn’t all that great or the writer wrote himself into a corner and it was an easy way out. Memento is an excellent movie and

You piques my curiosity, where can I find info on the original take for Passengers? I admit I liked it in an odd way as some of it was too CGI heavy, but the cast was enjoyable and I have rewatched it occasionally. It would have been interesting to see Chris Pratt as the bad guy, even though he still kind of was for

I’ve had Valerian on my shelf for about two years and every time I reach for it, something stops me. I love Besson’s movies. Leon ( NOT the US The Professional) and The Fifth Element are two of my favorites ( I liked Lucy a lot, but the ending was a little off compared to the other 95% of the movie.) I was so looking

I think Don Bluth was the animated representation of Orson Welles. Near genius but a complicated person and often their own worst enemies. In a perfect world, both should have been given the money to do what they wanted and we would have had some amazing movies in the end.

I’ve seen Mulholland Dr. and it is one f’’ed up movie. I cannot imagine how it could have been a TV series as was originally intended. What about Lost Highway?

No, it just sucks by nature.

60mm print? I am impressed the Lutheran’s were fond of the large format....or it was really 16mm.

No one wants to gamble on originality any more.

Now I need to see it. This is what a movie should be.

Many do not realize that most novelizations of major movies are based on the shooting script so sequences you read in them were either never shot or deleted in the final cut.( The longer Waterworld IS so much better. Glad they finally released it on Blu Ray.) A few examples of other novelizations that some believe

They should have just asked SpaceX to launch it once it was clear they knew what they were doing far better than NASA of the last 50 years. They would have it all planned out and a launch date by the end of the week. NASA really needs to learn a few lessons from them. We might have had a base on the moon long ago.

The problem was that no one has ever had the balls and common sense to take a stand back in the day and start this conversation in a real way. Every time we saw something on the news or in Popular Science about the future wonders of electric cars or Imagine a World Powered By The Sun. It all went nowhere because of

Curious about the Firestarter remake. I like the look of Keira Armstrong, she sort of reminds me of the cover of the limited edition of the novel.

Yeah, but KK is at the controls for this one instead of just getting coffee and interrupting. Even Spielberg is taking a back seat rather than having to deal with her or anyone else at Disney.

I feel like the wheels sort of fell off with the shuttering of Gawker. All of the individual sites fell to sub pages and it all has sort of become this amorphous blog of information that is hard to filter through some days. The company really needs a strong leader with a vision and I think all of this could be great

I’m still somewhat surprised that Lucas AND Spielberg cast Shia in the first place. Perhaps it was just George and Steven deferred to the boss. Granted the entire affair was a mistake from the beginning. Too much CGI, too little story and zero Douglas Slocombe.

Crossing IPs, in regards to Indy 5, I have a bad feeling about this.

The Twitter trolls are getting lazy. They saw the old photo hooded person and figured KKK. Even Wikipedia is correct enough to find the basic facts before releasing a story.