
A formaility:

All you have to do is look around at the Walmart shoppers late at night. There you go. No drugs required, they are just out there. Also the same people you see on Jimmy Kimmel when asked who the President is when they are even handed a photo of said President and are completely clueless. We are doomed.

Or this movie!

This is the problem with our current media. Facts matter less that the prevalent agenda that must be promoted. Once the video was released, every one of these “journalists” should have been called out and either openly retracted their BS, or out of their jobs.

There is truth in that the big three have an ICE mindset while Tesla has been EV from day one and not stuck in the old ways of petroleum drive. As the older engineers retire, they will all level out. If any of the big three start successfully poaching talent from Tesla, you will know things are getting serious.

My only issue is the seemingly desperate, near begging for him to just be offered the job. It might make sense to him, but maybe not the producers. Glenn Close tried this when she was up the Oscar for her role in Fatal Attraction. It did not work.

You know what really sucks? It is quite possible she just wanted to get one in to stick it to her possible aggressors, but in trying to get a little vigilante justice for herself, she became the very thing she may have called the police to protect her from. That split second impulse killed her. We need to raise our

No, it is not a coverup, normally they need to inform next of kin and other processes, etc. They rushed this out knowing of the powder keg over the impending verdict.

Police cannot shoot to wound, else the perpetrator can continue stabbing or firing. Police and others have been killed when that sort of thing happens

What’s equally disgusting is that this “child” attempted to stab the other woman RIGHT IN FRONT of the police. What do you expect would happen? A round of applause and a bouquet of roses? She chose poorly and faced the consequences. That cop will also have to live with what he did as well. There aren’t any winners

How would ANY of them made the difference at that distance? and yes a single stab wound CAN be fatal.

How the hell can you call THIS racsism? What would you be saying had he not shot at all, or wasted his time with a taser and either missed or it did not stop her and the woman and pink was stabbed to death? That racist cop let another black person die?

Dammit, no ask for Babs joke.

One thing of concern however, is that the jury is NOT sequestered until today. Do not fool yourself, they are seeing and hearing about everything from over the weekend, and I suspect that is deliberate. Whether you think Chauvin is a murderer or not, potential coercion of the jury out of fear is not something that

Well, duh!

Good luck on the new gig. I am sure the new team will keep things running like a Swiss watch bought on sale from a link on the site.

Good luck on the new gig. I am sure the new team will keep things running like a Swiss watch bought on sale from a

I am sure Quentin is already working on plans to save them. He owns the New Beverly, and has many friends with deep pockets. I am sure someone will find a way to save the Cinerama Dome.

The Prius came about because of what GM was doing with the EV-1 and Toyota got busy. As GM and Toyota had a product sharing deal, (Their old shared NUMMI manufacturing facility is now the Tesla plant.) they had a lot of access to what GM was doing, this lead to Toyota improving on the NIMH batteries and charging

She makes up for it. She bought me the giant Lego Millennium Falcon for my birthday, and that is not cheap and occasionally continues to enhance my Han Solo in Carbonite obsession, so still worth keeping her around. She even willingly joined me for the midnight premiere of The Phantom Menace. That alone was a gold

Not happening. Anything sci-fi is a no go. Solaris killed what little interest she had.