
And yet she will still try and sue and undoubtedly there will be a lawyer that will take her case and go through the motions for the publicity and the off chance GG will pay them to go away. I hope they tell him to walk and thank you for using Gorilla Glue.

He should just call Rich Rebuilds. He will either happily help him out,take LeVar’s wife out for dinner at Olive Garden, or just send him a picture of himself flipping the bird.

I simply cannot believe ANYONE at GM would say anything of the sort as “Have a nice day”

My reply would simply be I do not drive a nice car to work because I don’t care to have it broken into by some of our thieving co-workers. or hit by the incompetant or drunk rest of them. This was true at a former job. I can easily prove the latter as they left the empty bottles all neatly in a row in the parking lot.

The novel was so compelling and I could not stop,  the adaptation to a movie resulted in one utterly neither.

I was not far behind.

Yup. My Dad in a nutshell. Not discovered until stage 4 in several places. (Though how they missed it astounds my nurse mom as he went to the doctor regularly for a number of job related health issues and he knew something was off.)  Keytruda worked a treat for about 18 months then didn’t. To make matters worse, bad

Political affiliation is immaterial when immense profit is on the line.

Now a show featuring Beast, Abe, Frasier and Niles all sharing a beachfront condo I would eagerly await.

I sort have expected this after that great bit in the movie, but DAMN not nearly 30 YEARS later!

Or mob wife.

Weather an awfully written article or not, they really SHOULD call her and do something while Keaton has come back home. 

It does seem odd how hard they pushed the service to give in so quickly...sounds a little like Quibi.

The fact you need to tell people this...We are doomed.

Smaller states would have almost zero influence. All you need to target are the states with the highest population and you win. CA alone is so large the over vote is in the millions. The founders were aware of that so they came up with the EC so if not all, more of the states are in play to win the presidency. In the

Read.  Trump was not the point.

So she’s a cuter Joe Rogan.

Ask Disney how that worked out with their Star Wars toy line. There are STILL Force Awakens toys NIB for sale at Ollie’s for cheap and still no one wants to buy them. You simply cannot recreate those unique successes.

True, but pure democracy will not work either. If you go by straight popular vote for President, it will always be lopsided and the founders realized this. The biggest problem is that Congress does not have term limits. This allows those that are there until they are dragged out feet first to amass way more power than

John Patrick Shanley has been given somewhat of a short shrift in Hollywood. Maybe this is due to the Orson Welles curse of hitting it out of the park first time out and the only way to go is down, but Joe vs. The Volcano is such a great film in the spirit of 1940's slapstick comedies, and still holds up today (Lloyd