
I’m not sure Prince is pasted up in this image for the cover of Sign O’ the Times or it was deliberate but there was always something about this cover. Also I’m stoked it’s getting a deluxe release later in the year but not so the $150 price tag and that for that it does not include the movie.

Remember the site you are on.

His videos are strangely addictive.

They also made some great contributions to The Adventures of Ford Fairlaine soundtrack but unfortunately only one track made it onto the released disc.

I agree that her political and social views temper her reporting but she does such an excellent job that I still enjoy her show. Her series on Charlie Manson was excellent and I hope there are more episodes on Hollywood Babylon. Granted those involved had little desire to straighten the record when it could harm their

It does seem that he was a lesser filmmaker without her as the only real big success he had later was Mask, and he was pretty much a director for hire on that.

However Orson WAS married to Rita Hayworth and he tossed her by the wayside so., yeah.

True. Jolie is smoking hot, but once you get passed that it seems she is very high on herself and that gets old real quick. Pitt just did not see that until it was too late.

Likely well over 95%

If you do listen to The Polly Platt podcast, TCM now has one called The Plot Thickens and Ironically their first run is about Bogdonavich titled I’m Still Here. TCM host Ben Mankiewicz hosts and interviews Bogdonovich and it is interesting hearing the story from both sides. Some things stand out such as Dorothy

He could be the Bruce Wayne after the event of The Dark Knight Returns. I always thought that would have been a GREAT movie to bring Keaton back for. Too bad Zach took bits and pieces of it for BvS.  Imagine a world where Keaton and Christopher Reeve were the leads!

That’s right. Fuck the fourth.

Happy Birthday early!

If Lorne deems you worthy, funny or not, you are staying unless you chose to leave.

I have never found her funny. I don’t know what I’m missing.

Maybe this is not possible, but why can’t Twitch essentially sign on to ASCAP or BMI and have a deal that x% of ad revenue is sent to them to cover all of this? That is how it is done in other public arenas and even making pennies on the music - as Richard Pryor figured out in Superman III, those pennies add up and

This will be fixed in less than a year. The people will not let this stand.

As right we all are to protest the wrongs that have been made, trashing your own neighborhood seems self defeating. The indiscriminate destruction and looting by mostly mom and pop businesses are going to be felt for years. A large number of them - already harmed by the virus - will not likely be able to return, or

I understand how it works, but that they had to borrow that much so soon after the pandemic took hold makes one wonder just how shaky their financial house is.

Other than throwing money at everyone, why does EA always get these deals? They get a lot of bad press on the crap they are putting out and you would think the rights holders - NFL here - would want to avoid that. Try someone new once and see what they have to offer. EA will always be ready to step back in to offer