
I was waiting for HTC 4.0 update until last week when I see they are shipping Sense 3.6 with it :(. I rooted my phone over the weekend and now I'm running Android 4.0.3 sense-less ROM (HyperNonSense ROM) :).

Spidy, Thor, Hulk :) or platypus ... racoon ...

The link for Rockbox under Sansa is broken. #corrections

VOTE: Sansa Clip Zip.

I use transparent (almost) rubber skin case for my HTC sensation. goes very well with it :).

I use Trillian with Yahoo, Skype and Aim at work and gtalk (within gmail) to chat with friends :).

Not enough to switch me back from Linux mint + cinnamon :).

Get the latest code from github. It works without any issues. Here's mine. Created yesterday only :). [www.connectedharsh.com]

You should try SPlayer (Shooter Player). It can play any file you throw at it. Also it automatically finds matching subtitles online for the movie you are playing. [www.splayer.org]

I switched to Linux Mint 12 few days back and I was able to use Thunderbird with Exchange using DavMail. It's working quite excellent. Following is a nice post about how to set it up

Google Chrome

I always set alarm 15 minutes before the actual time I want to get up, with 5 minutes snoozes. It always works for me, if not first I always get up by 6th snooze :).

Which Opera theme is this?

I tried Virtual Box, but it killed sound on my windows 7 laptop. After restoring, I've been using VMWare player without any issue.

VOTE: Powerpoint

Chrome's auto complete in address bar is the best.

"Touchbase". That always kills me. Where does it come from?