
This is the type of stuff that puts people off politics and why people sit on their asses or don't care... All we are basically doing is guessing right? Most people wont believe what he is saying, so what's the point in listening to it if it's just going to make you more confused or suspicious? Basically it seams like

They have the little plant sensors that are like this (non-wifi) that have little LEDs and start to blink when the soil is too dry for about $10 at the local garden store. you could ghetto-rig something pretty easily i bet...

I don't like him.

You really don't see the difference between a government controlled database with personal information on you, and Facebook, where you can pick and choose what, if anything, you want to post? Hell, even in your horribly inaccurate comparison, i believe that Facebook has privacy settings so people not "friends" cant

Wow.... I don't even know where to start.

There were so many different things wrong with this post... I'm just going to hope that there is a big "/Sarcasm" tag at the end that I'm missing or you forgot to put on and you're really not 'that' much of an idiot.

They could, but they would be wrong, and if they did America would kick their ass... America F**k YEA!

No transformer references yet?

"You can see the action from the cockpit in this..." Lies! I didn't see any action, i was thinking it was a plane with a prop on each side, or there was something wrong with the plane that would put it in actual danger and show the pilot doing some awesome heroic flying or something... not just turn a Cessna into a

"Why don't they just block Google Maps service?"

I'd hit it.

haha, you have a great username for this post, im picturing some crazy story about how a black widow killed your family and now you want to GetRevenge!!!

I can't really see it as anything like that, i mean, its meant to come out after all isn't it? I figured it would be more like the vacuum thing a dentist uses to suck up your saliva... but then again, i guess we will never know...

Ice... as in frozen water? Hrmm, ill just freeze some of that zero water in a unique cube and sell it as designer ice!

Hahaha i was thinking, "oh god... this guy can't be f-in serious?!?"... then i saw the /sarcasm. lol

I wonder what's going to happen to this guy... Kinda seams like Gizmodo just completely f&$#ed him over. I mean, it wouldn't be hard for anyone to find this guy, look at his build/body type and compare it with people who work at the "genius" bar that people call "wiz"...

"We know enough about this guy to stalk him, blackmail him, and harass him, using nothing more than what we've picked up."

So wait.. you're saying that the new ipad 3 will 'probably' have a faster processor then the ipad 2? Now that's some serious investigative reporting! Go BGR!

Well it's more like the porn company is trying to use the shame some people feel for masturbating against them to get their money... but ya, still pretty stupid (unless it works i guess)

I don't get why you would need a 3d printer or anything like that if your just going to make one for yourself... just get a spare piece of plastic (like the top of a Rubbermaid-like tote) you have lying around, cut it in a circle and cut a "V" out of it with some scissors... i mean, am i missing something here or what?