
"...please don't fund academic research. It's clearly bad for both parties!"

"Buy denying the right to avoiding radiation?" (sic)

That is weird, i only heard of the spike your juice thing because of a gizmodo post a couple months ago or so on it...

Paul Yates, mother-f@#$% paul yates... You will rue the day paul, rue it!

You're being sarcastic, but maybe you shouldn't be, this is the american legal system after all you don't need facts so much as you need a good lawyer.

Wasn't there a giz story about a company that does something similar? like for bait cars or something? They pay people to go around recording license plate numbers and locations then put it in a database that people have to pay to search...

Not that i ever really have a " reasonable expectation of privacy" or anything, but can you get on WiFi (or the internet or even make calls from a cell) without "publicly broadcasting your mac address"? I know you can spoof it , but i didn't know you could just turn it off 'broadcasting' mode and still use any network

bleh. first thing i thought was, 'they are still doing this crap?'


It's like your responding to a different person or something...

lulzsec meet radar! Good luck!

"Did Google Reject Job Applicants Because They’re Fat?"

Exactly, Today it seams if a person is obese enough that they 'require' special accommodations then they end up getting it so the company will be PC or not get sued or something... Look at airline seats or how the coast guard lowered the person limit for the same weight on ships... It just pisses me off when obese

Eh, I stand by my thoughts and can only conclude that you didn't understand , maybe if i make it more simple for you?

whoa whoa whoa... where are you going to get all the brains for the launchers? smells fishy to me... It's a TRAP! Don't help the zombies!

Which ones are wrong? Why the.. *sigh...*, nevermind, this is gizmodo...

I've said it before and ill say it again... Anyone that tries to get in my house be have to get past the claymores and other surprises, good luck! And even if they get it, there wont be much left to steal. Hey if i cant have it, they can't either!!!

Yes, yes it does... It also implies lack of self discipline and lack of respect for your own body, also i have seen more stuff then i can count about obesity and health problems. You may be the exception, but to me, when you "choose" not to exercise (when/if you need it) then you "choose" not to care about your body,

Ehh My total grad class was less then a hundred or so... I think they took us to an arcade or something...

Ehh i thought i would be more impressed... But with the real tires/suspension it kinda looks like they just glued a bunch of legos to the outside.