
Did anyone else see the Wake & Bake one? Hrmm Sounds right up my alley...

@Unknown2U: I'm sorry i didn't realize the point was to discuss things that sound good but wont work in the real world. Did you also want to talk about Communism and Utopias?

@ddhboy: Your right, and i don't think that WikiLeaks should be labeled as a terrorist organization. I was just using his own word to emphasize the similarities between his post and mine. I don't, however, think they should publish stolen classified material and be stopped or shut down if they do.

@Hickeroar: Ignoring my other points and calling me a clueless tool? Classy...

@dapper_otter: LOL i read this and couldnt help but wonder who would win in a fight... im still debating...

@ddhboy: So your saying its OK to publish stolen classified material as long as YOU don't think it's interesting to terrorists?

@waclark57: Yep, just imagine the difference that would be...

@jepzilla: Insightful post, it also helps that i agree i suppose... Although i really hope there ISN'T a bombshell of some sort...

@Unknown2U: "If someone is against wikileaks its like they are in favor of the government killing innocent people and getting away with it."

@bjmckenna: Hell, if you really want transparency, then lets publish some of the classified materials on explosives and nukes including nuclear launch codes...

"If a website's reader is angered by its content and commits an act of terrorism because of it, does that make the site responsible?"

@Lexicdys: With a ninja flip thrown either during or after for style.

@bdinger: Not until we lose a lot of American soldiers to this type of leak i guess...

@Hickeroar: I think you missed the main point.... Looks like he talking about 'normal' secret stuff, like troop movements, supplies, etc, while you seam to be talking about criminal actions being covered up...

Airbags like old cars or just bags with air? And how could they

Think google did it on purpose just to play god?