
@OldAudis: What am i missing? That all looks like bottles of alcohol, not drugs which is what the focus is on here...


@MegaShark: awesome comment... just awesome.

Damn, i really cant wait for this to come out in real world applications...

@OMG! FriedPeeps: Well if your going to go there... Why not just invent the startrek forcefield? Hrmm m just had a thought.. do spaceship windows get dirty? and how would they be cleaned? ahh google my friend..

I would guess you have to work as a team to put these up usually seeing as you have to hit both sides of the glass at the same time so they can 'attract' each other...

Ive been in this argument so many times that i could argue 'both' sides, by now i figure if people need to look to religion to live their lives then go for it, i mean i dont go around trying to dissuade kids from loving santa clause...

@RedRaider: Sarrraahhh! Wow... thanks for the trip down memory lane...

@kkozinski: Yes i think that's exactly what he meant... lol

@MagicTrackpad: I'm with you, this reads like a Testimonial about quitting off drugs or something. At first i could only picture someone making some special kool-aid and inviting all their "friends" to partake...

@oldmanstan: Good point... I didn't think of it like that...

@blyan-reloaded: I suppose i can see it that way, and your right kids will find a way. I think (or maybe i naively hope) its more of the parents/adults trying to 'protect' the kids because of the "they are not responsible enough to think for themselves" mentality. I see it as the same way an adult can drink a beer and

@rheerani: I think they are going for something more along the line of avg usable day hours... Not time spent sleeping/eating/etc..

@Fergie24: I agree but it looks like its talking about 1 in 5 of the 3 in 5... Or maybe the 5th and last teen was to busy sexting to show up...

@OtisAnt: OMG My dealer usually charges way more! Imma buy in freakin bulk!!!

@im2fools: I dont know why i did this to myself. I mean, im already hungry but noooo i had to go click on the article about food and now i see this... well, my previously planned poptart dinner just isnt going to cut it anymore i suppose... Not Cool. ;)

@Courteous_Gentleman: Pfft... what are you talking about! I ALWAYS look out for unhealthy levels of bull semen...

Well im kinda surprised that in true internet fashion people haven't gone off on rants/arguments on "gun control"...

@Ding-Dang: Ya, that was one of my first thoughts too...