
Now this is a ground-breaking find... Wow. Simply incredible.

Meh, condoms are for wussies. Based on my past experiences, whenever you actually stash a condom on you before you head out for that hot date, "it" doesn't happen. On the contrary, when you DON'T bring one along, you end up taking part of a gangbang, or related activity.

Thank you Giz/Jesus Diaz for a naturally funny post... Much appreciated on this damn Tuesday. Golf Clap.

I'd have to agree with you on this.... It screams 'Viral Marketing'.

I absolutely love the concept/design. Very interested in a production model. I'm really digging the belt drive. Super slick.

This would be correct. hahahaha, good call SuperSnackTime :)

Looks like a horrible idea.. It only holds 16 bottles/containers.. I can see how that'll help a whole lot. Yeah, so the first 16 items are saved from the horrible trash can, and recycled! Not the rest of them, that couldn't fit onto the ring, after it was at max capacity.. lol

This is a retarded idea... Yet another way to shatter the glass back of your iPhone 4.

I definitely agree with this..

That's not a Cobra, either.. it's a Viper.

If they flew into Amarillo, TX.. It would have been the 'Rick Husband Amarillo International Airport'. This same airport, is also the location of the Bell Helicopter Textron, Military Aircraft Assembly and Delivery Center. If you're at all familiar with military aircraft or just aircraft in general, Bell Helicopter is

Not really new.. This has been around since '04. This works by using specific digitially-coded signals for the controllers-to-car operation. Each controller/car has their own unique 'frequency'.

I'm sorry, but how is this NOT entrapment? lol

Pardon my ignorance with knowledge of Panasonic equipment, but is that a GH2 amongst the rig equip?

Damn, agreed with everyone's response to Hammerhead's setup...

Think of it this way.... If any given country or even private entities (with the technological capacity) were trying to launch a vehicle, satellite, or object into low orbit, however the mission was to be 'kept under wraps' per se.. Do you really think anyone would stake claim to it? No.

This is also a very valid point.. My thoughts exactly! lol

I enjoy reading as well, and yes I had read 'The Sting' once before. Thought I would just make light of the comedy I found in scrolling down to multiple long-form paragraph blocks :) no harm, no foul :) haha cheers mate!

Wow, is it just me, or did you feel that with each scroll down, it was like flipping the page in church, to reveal an additional two whole pages of missalette reading? And saying to yourself, FML.. Just give me the wine and I'll be on my way.

I'd have to agree with Sam on the REFURB end of things.. Haha, but not so much on the consistent loss of laptops/devices under 13".. Haha.